Yeah, normal on a new car. Mine stunk for about 2 weeks after every drive until everything burned in
This is the second day I've had my 77TSI, I'm just wondering if it is normal that after driving it around or so - is there meant to be a slight burning smell coming from the car? (it smells a bit of burning paper it seems) I think last night I had a similar smell coming through the AC after turning on the windshield de-fogger, and the AC went up full blast for a bit.
Anyone else had this experience or know what it is and should I be worried? I am just hoping its a new car thing that goes away...
Yeah, normal on a new car. Mine stunk for about 2 weeks after every drive until everything burned in
Stage 2+ Intercooler Carbon Intake Downpipe Swaybar DV+ Remsa.
Same same but that is
Hi guys,
Picked up my My12.5 GTI about 2 months ago and noticed some issues happening randomly and just wondering if anyone has experienced the same.
Driving down M4 (Sydney) doing about 90km, all the sudden hear 3 beeps, MDI shows "Check brakes, WORKSHOP", and 4 lights started showing up on the dash "ABS, traction control, warning and tyre pressure", I then parked on the emergency lane, switched the engine off, restarted and all the lights disappeared. Got to work, checked for punctures and nothing found, did not experience the same problem for another week, then one day reversing out of my garage, same problem strikes again, and seems like it's happening at random (whether I'm accelerating or reversing).
Any ideas?
there should be a software update for this the reading of the pressure sensor for brake booster vaccum system is too sensitive should log a fault booster pressure sensor implusable signal to low had a couple of these now 1 was brand new we had to get the fix from germany.
Is it normal to hear some soft engine rattling? The rattles are louder during cold start.
Car: 77TSI, DSG
^ turbo wastegate rattle and fuel line rattle has been found to be the source of these rattles on many occasions. There is a metal clip which seems to fix the wastegate rattle, as for the fuel lines - i cant remember off the top of my head what the "fix" is as such.
I don't think its a big deal.....Its a machine after all...Nothing is going to be dead silent.