I'm assuming the pooch isn't a Great Dane, but how the hell did you get three kiddy seats in there? I'd love to see a photo. I guy I know ditched his previous (much larger) ride for a Territory so he could fit three child seats in, but obviously it depends on the type/dimensions of the child seats themselves too.
Nice work, you know there are genuine GTI child seats available from Vw which would look quite nice with their matching tartan![]()
Stage 2+ Intercooler Carbon Intake Downpipe Swaybar DV+ Remsa.
Picked up my new GTI last night and loving it!!
Had to stop on the way home to take a pic but didn't take a lot of care composing the shot as the MFD was telling me it was 40.5C outside. At least I can confirm the air-con in this car rocks!
I'll post some more thoughts and pics over the weekend hopefully.
Last edited by AC74; 18-01-2013 at 02:13 PM.
Polo GTI MY13 (CTHE) | 5D | CW | Sunroof | DL Tint | VW Handy Adapter for iPhone 4/4S | DHL disabled
VCDS tweaks: XDL - Strong | Brake Assist - Hard | Auto Lock Doors/Hatch - On | Two Stage Unlock - On | Audible Locking - On | Lane Change Function - 4 flashes
Nice one AC74! Welcome to the Polo Club![]()
Current Ride: Golf GTI Mk7 MY2014|DSG|Carbon Steel
Previous Ride: Polo GTI MY2012|DSG|RNS510|Shadow Blue|Lenso GF7 18” rims
Instagram: @lemonskin
Cheers guys.
For a small car, it's a very comfortable interior environment. Climate Control just does it's thing, seat and position suit me nicely and in commuter D mode it feels surprisingly refined - more like a mid-size Euro sedan than a little hatch.
A couple of thing that I wasn't expecting:
At night, when the auto-dimming rear view mirror kicks into action everything turns green behind! It's like the Incredible Hulk is tailgating you - haha! Not sure if the tint affects this or that's just the way it works, but it's actually kind cool.
Also, wasn't expecting to hear so many huffs and puffs and whistles from the turbo. I've found myself turning the radio of a few times just to enjoy the car's soundtrack instead!
Finally, just a point of interest as it's come up in other threads, my car came fitted with Bridgestone RE050s not the (seemingly) more common Dunlop SportMaxx.
Polo GTI MY13 (CTHE) | 5D | CW | Sunroof | DL Tint | VW Handy Adapter for iPhone 4/4S | DHL disabled
VCDS tweaks: XDL - Strong | Brake Assist - Hard | Auto Lock Doors/Hatch - On | Two Stage Unlock - On | Audible Locking - On | Lane Change Function - 4 flashes
Haha yep my rear mirror has a greenish tint too. If you turn it off (pressing the button) it's normal, but I always leave it on.
Yes there is quite a few huffs and puffs from the intake. It sounds much better on hot days but obviously pulls slower.
You scored Bridgestone RE050s lucky bugger. My MY13 came with the Dunlop sport Maxxs. I'd much rather the RE050s lol.
Maybe they ran out of the dunlops ? :/
MY13 Polo GTI | 5 Door | Candy White | Sunroof & Bi-Xenon Factory Options
Yeah that's just the colour of the mirror when it dims. My Polo doesn't have any form of tint and still everything turns green![]()
As a side note, If you want to make the mirror dim during the day (because why not?), you can reach your hand around the back-left side of it (passenger side) and you should feel a bumpy thing. If you completely cover that with your finger/hand then the mirror will dim (but make sure the ignition is on and the mirror switch is on). That bumpy thing (you can see it through the windscreen if you want a closer look) is a light sensor, and there is another one opposite the green light on the front of the mirror. So, if there is light outside the car, the mirror doesn't dim. If there is no light outside and no light inside it also doesn't dim. When there is no light outside and there is light inside (signalling that a car behind you is shining its lights through your rear window) it will dim.
Have fun with your GTI !!
Alex Aescht
MY13 Dark Silver VW up! 5-door 55MPI manual — Comfort Style Pack, Comfort Drive Pack, Maps + More, Panoramic Sunroof
MY11 Pepper Grey VW Polo Comfortline 66TDI manual ― Comfort Pack, Audio Pack.