I actually put it in this morning anyway, didnt want to drive to work with no radio and half the dash hanging out. I just had to drill some new holes in the cage. Pain in the ass but it seems to be pretty solid. Didnt use the copper tongues or metal plates.
Yep I dunno why you would pay hundreds of dollars for a OEM Bluetooth kit if you could fit one of these. I got the Pioneer AVH-P3200BT from the USA for $400 delivered, you do need the Connects2 bits and facia kit but they arent very dear if you look around. Mines the USA model so the AM is supposed to not work in Aus but it still seemed to in my car (I don't think it tunes to quite the right frequencies though).
What do you mean a specific card? Do some not work? I was going to order a 32GB one today.
Also regarding microphone placement - I found in my Golf it was really easy to drop the mic down through the gap next to the steering column then pull the cable up the gap and put the mic on top of the steering column, mounts right in front of your face then.