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Thread: New Climatronic group order

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Brisbane, QLD

    Does anyone know if you can install one of these modules in a MY11 GTI that does not this style of module already (has the dials)?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    New Zealand
    hey why dont you guys get some polarizer film

    peel it off the standard Blue with Black Cyphers Display

    and then apply the new Polarizer film rotated 90Degrees

    that will give you a screen with Black Background and Blue Cyphers!!!

    and if you want to go further you can do a LED swap Blue in exchange for White..

    This is what it kinda looked like originally

    then after i did the Polarizer replacement (rotation replacement)

    Last edited by ranton-inc; 26-10-2011 at 12:36 PM.
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  3. #23
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    Ok reviving a really old thread but after some googling and some inspiration from gavs I managed to find this which funny enough reverted back to gavs and my inquiring regarding getting a swap done over for the new white on black climatronic unit.

    I was thinking of doing the LCD (Polarizer replacement) swap myself just wondering can it easily be done?

    Otherwise anyone got some more info, as most of the links here are broken or outdated?
    Last edited by Bassik; 23-03-2013 at 09:55 AM.
    GOLF GTI MY11 ADIDAS Candy White, Sunroof
    GOLF GTI 40th ED, White with Sunroof

  4. #24
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    Yep bassik quite easy to do. Just involves taking off the radio trim and taking out a few screws. I'll get you a copy of the official removal manual which should assist you step by step

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by nomadx38 View Post
    Yep bassik quite easy to do. Just involves taking off the radio trim and taking out a few screws. I'll get you a copy of the official removal manual which should assist you step by step
    Thanks nomadx38 don't quote me but maybe I came off a little dumper then usual. I was referring to the actual LED backlight inside the Climatronic display LCD. I've taken the Climatronic control unit off before when I installed the Bluebooth behind the RCD.

    Although I could be silly and you actually do have official removal manual to do the LED black/white/blue conversion?
    GOLF GTI MY11 ADIDAS Candy White, Sunroof
    GOLF GTI 40th ED, White with Sunroof

  6. #26
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    Haha all good mate, I only have the manual to remove the whole climatic display. The whole unit is one part and must be discarded / replaced as one when faulty (in other words VW does not do any repairs on the unit as it is not user serviceable)

    This doesn't mean that you cannot do it though, it's just that there won't be any official documentation out there for you. As I have a crappy manual one I can't even look at mine to make a guide.

    If you can convince Gavs to give up his old blue one for me to have a look at, I could probably write a step by step walk through (if its possible)

    As it stands though you will have to have good electrical skills to unsolder the old LEDs (if they can be) and would have to expect that it will be a white background with black writing (unless you get that polarising film to up over the top as well before you close up the unit.

    Sounds like a fun job to do but as I said I got manual cheapness!

  7. #27
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    Yeah your right if I had a spare to work on it would be fun and I'd have a crack but I don't want to end up breaking mine and then having to spend that $700 to get a new one.
    GOLF GTI MY11 ADIDAS Candy White, Sunroof
    GOLF GTI 40th ED, White with Sunroof

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