I couldn't wait 6 months I needed a car!I'm going to have to ask the dealer if she knows what mine is! I don't even know what mine is! It's being transferred from another dealer to the one I bought it from.
I'm really hoping its a MY12.5, I think I heard her say it arrived a couple weeks ago.
Jay, If it arrived a few weeks back then its a MY12.5 at the very least, maybe a MY13, but that's unlikely as i said above.
Bury S9 XL cradle for Touch Adaptor for sale: http://tinyurl.com/hgmjc4j
Sold my Shadow Blue MY12.5 3 door Polo GTI for a WRX Hyperblue...
SPOC - 1st Four.... www.DeskDivers.com & www.PloProf.com & www.2smoked.com & www.JonWallis.com
MY13 Spec Sheet (NZ) http://www.volkswagen.co.nz/media/co...sheet_polo.pdf
I was going to say there was some funny things in that spec sheet (rain sensor and rear vision mirror dimmer as a $500 option, when its now part of the free comfort pack etc) and then realised its the NZ version... Did like the $500 serron wheel option.... shame we werent offered that here...
Bury S9 XL cradle for Touch Adaptor for sale: http://tinyurl.com/hgmjc4j
Sold my Shadow Blue MY12.5 3 door Polo GTI for a WRX Hyperblue...
SPOC - 1st Four.... www.DeskDivers.com & www.PloProf.com & www.2smoked.com & www.JonWallis.com
I just checked my contract and the model code ive been given is a MY13 model code. Its 6R19V7/12. Im not sure whether the /12 means its a MY12 model or thats just showing month and year of production...according to the PDF
anyone able to shed some light?
Last edited by jayc29u; 01-08-2012 at 05:19 PM.
According to my dealer "/12" means it is a model year 2012 car.
Hey guys,
Had a look at my papers this morning and im just curious as to how one wouild tell if they had a my12, 12.5 or 13? My build date was 04/12.