yeh change the filter mate. do u run recirc or outside intake usually?
Hi There
I was recently getting a strong vinegar smell through my A/C and at my last service (2-3 weeks ago) I informed VW and paid them to do an AC clean for around $120..
It lasted for that time, but the past 1-2 days I can smell it again!
Is there anything else I can be doing?
I have read to change the cabin filter, any ideas where to buy from?
Is there a spray I can use to try resolve
anyone with similar issues and how you fixed?
yeh change the filter mate. do u run recirc or outside intake usually?
buy cabin filter from any car parts shop... check your invoice from VW though, they really should have changed the cabin filter if they actually did a cleanout
you should also get a "Meguires Air Refresher" can from supercheap or wherever for about $25 that does a good job of removing smells, though that's probably all VW did at your service.