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Thread: MY13.5 GTI - DSG Shuddering in D2

  1. #1
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    MY13.5 GTI - DSG Shuddering in D2

    Hi everyone,

    My GTI (with 35k on the clock) has started shuddering when in D2 about a month ago but has progressively increased and it now does it nearly every time I take off in D.

    I had a feeling that it was the clutches to took it into VW service and to my surprise they advised that they will replaced the clutch packs for me.

    I was under the impression that being a 2013 model GTI the issues would have been ironed out by now.. Will VW replace the parts with stronger ones and how likely is it to happen again sometime in the near future?

  2. #2
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    I think life of the clutches comes down to how the car is driven when you have a DSG. As has been stated it's a pity there is not an education program (by VW Australia).

    Read posts #190 to #192 on this thread link 2015 polo gti
    Last edited by car_nut; 07-05-2015 at 08:37 PM.
    2015 Polo GTI with DA pack : Milltek Turbo back exhaust | DD spacer | JB1 | VWR Turbo Intake elbow and intake hose | BMC panel filter | KW Street Comfort coilovers | Whiteline adjust. endlinks | Harding DSG Perf. tune | Wagner Intercooler| Dotz Mugello 17 x 8 32ET

  3. #3
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    I think how the car is driven only plays a small part in their premature failure. I would place a bigger proportion of the blame on the clutch pack / poor software. You know it's asking for trouble when the software tries to shift up to D2 whenever possible in anything but half to full throttle application.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by CID84G View Post
    I think how the car is driven only plays a small part in their premature failure. I would place a bigger proportion of the blame on the clutch pack / poor software. You know it's asking for trouble when the software tries to shift up to D2 whenever possible in anything but half to full throttle application.
    Agree 100%. That's why I never drive in D and never give it heavy throttle at low revs.
    2015 Polo GTI with DA pack : Milltek Turbo back exhaust | DD spacer | JB1 | VWR Turbo Intake elbow and intake hose | BMC panel filter | KW Street Comfort coilovers | Whiteline adjust. endlinks | Harding DSG Perf. tune | Wagner Intercooler| Dotz Mugello 17 x 8 32ET

  5. #5
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    Hrmm.. I am guilty of driving in heavy traffic, driving in D (often) and also stomping on the throttle at low revs sometimes

    New clutches are getting fitted next week under warranty so I will take better care of them next time. BTW, are the replacement clutches an upgraded version of the factory ones??

  6. #6
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    Cars will judder regardless of how they are driven. Why do you think the manual does not state any special way to drive the DSG equipped vehicles? If it was REALLY down to how DSG is driven then VW would have put specific instructions as they do with all the other specific warnings in a vehicle manual.

    Further evidence of this is seen in the updated part numbers for the clutches over the years.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by CID84G View Post
    I think how the car is driven only plays a small part in their premature failure. I would place a bigger proportion of the blame on the clutch pack / poor software. You know it's asking for trouble when the software tries to shift up to D2 whenever possible in anything but half to full throttle application.
    I disagree completely, drive it like it's got a torque converter and it's asking for trouble. It's just like slipping the clutch madly in a manual, it's bound to overheat and wear out the clutch packs.

    Golf Mk7.5 R, Volvo S60 Polestar, Skyline R32GTST

  8. #8
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    Our 12.5 gti had the same issues and the clutches were replaced under warranty by VW. I was informed it was a known issue.

  9. #9
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    Our 12.5 gti had the same issues and the clutches were replaced under warranty by VW. I was informed it was a known issue also.

    I didn't even think that it was that bad.
    They reprogrammed the ECU and the new clutch pack is supposedly a harder material.
    So far so good, and that was nearlt two years ago.
    2012 Polo GTI (and 15 other cars in various states of disassembly)

  10. #10
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    The new software bang the clutches in much more fiercely than the old did, a lot less slipping is allowed to happen now. That coupled with the new clutches should mean they last longer.

    FWIW I dont drive my car badly and dont commute in it, and yet my original set lasted only 12k kms before they were so bad it was almost undrivable, started slipping at 9k. Seems that some batches of clutches were not the best quality. but its been fine with the new set and software for the next 12k as thats all ive got on it so far.
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