Greeting people
This is my first post here so i ll introduce myself shortly (dont think it deserves a separate topic, maybe some time later). My name is Alex (Oleksiy in my language), i am from Kiev. Ukraine — wannabe european country but at least not by VAG distribution standards for nowRecently i bought yellow Polo 6r 1.4 fsi DSG (they dont ship GTI here, and very few tsi as well). I am really loving the car though and want to personalize it a bit.
I started with building audio system but its coming to an end soon and next step would improving car visually.
Have few thoughts on improvements but i am new to car tuning (thats my first personal car)
I created a picture to show what i was thinking about but now more on the thoughts.
— really liked the picture of white GTI on the internet, those skirts with plastic / carbon things in it.
Anyone know part numbers on those things so i can purchase it on ebay or something?
Compared it to things that are offered by my local dealer (something along these lines — Accessories : Owners : Volkswagen UK) but it just looks worse.
Another thing are tyres and disks — 17-18 inchers look great but our roads are so bad. Maybe there are some 16 inch alternative which i can use to get safer ride?
Thanks for your answers!
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