Agreed with Kam, I picked mine up & headed straight for the Hills. I've just clocked up 7000km on my CAV engined MY13, driven it reasonably hard from the start, haven't used a drop of oil & everything mechanically is in order.
Some may disagree but probably the only thing to avoid in a brand new car is using cruise control or sitting on the highway at constant rpm for sustained periods of time. Don't be afraid of using a little bit of WOT when you start your car once its settled before its completely up to temp. Still use the oil temp gauge to know when its up to temp before bouncing it off the limiter though (actually, best to avoid that too, its more fun changing up @5Krpm and chirping tyres)....
Im down for weeknight meetup/cruise/photoshoot/whatever.
A few ideas below:
Port melb/Bolte photoshoot
Somerton Go karts
Garage café - Friendly links
Mount Dandenong (Not sure if they lock the carpark at night during the week near the lookout)
IF its on the weekend, a run up mount Baw Baw maybe Donna Buang or even Arthur's Seat/red hill (might be a bit too busy early Jan).
Coldstream brewery cafe is a good place not too far.
Innocent Bystander is open til 10pm most nights but might be a little hard for some people to get to during daylight hours during the week.