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Thread: Mark 5 Polo 1.2 TSI ECU remap

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buller_Scott View Post
    hey gavin do you know if custom code might be intending to address the 1.6tdi 77kw version with a tune at all? or perhaps a dpf delete tune? lol..
    It'll all happen in time. Just consider where you would spend your time, fixing up a handful of diesel Polos or where the big money is in GTIs?

    I am not saying there isn't money to be made in the small diesels but as a portion of the market it would figure quite a bit less.

    DPF delete is another thing on top of that. They are individually tuned like a Phase 3 and there's only 2 people at Custom-Code that do them. I have to let them know in advance I need them or it doesn't happen.


  2. #12
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    Wow, it looks like ABT have UPGRADED their tune for the 1.2 tsi! or did i just miss it?

    It was 96 Kw (Nice, small and a true sportsman on 14th September 2009) but now its at 103 kW (4500 to 5500 rpm), and 220 Nm (2600 to 3800 rpm)

    The new data sheet is here: dated 8th February 2010.

    They also state that the 0-100 km/h time is 8.8 seconds, almost on par with a stock GTI!

  3. #13
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    Except the stock GTI in the MK5 Polo will do 0 to 100 in 6.9 seconds

  4. #14
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    haha, ive no doubt the new gti will be quick, but i do think the tsi will win the fun/$ debate - Cheaper to buy, Cheaper to insure, easy to modify.

    When is the last time that a bottom of the range car, in the middle specification model promised to be so good? This is affordable performance for the masses, with a large scope for enhancement.

  5. #15
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    Yeah - it should be good I guess. I don't know - I didn't find the old stock Polo GTI that exciting... until I got the Stage I ECU

  6. #16
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    the supercharger apparently will help eliminate bottom end lag, which is a shame- keeping it on point is half the fun of forced induction IMO...

    but i totally see what you're saying, fintel... 100+kw and 220nm out of a tiny 1.2 litre?!?!?! dammit man, now i rate that REALLY highly. can you imagine 10 years down the track when you'll be able to get those figures out of sub 1L VAG engines? drool...

    i would seriously be considering the 1.2 tsi as my next car in a couple of years as it just all makes sense on paper- tiny engine with goooooood punch, lightweight, economical, petrol [so no bloody dpf or egr/manifold problems], but if they bring the 77kw diesel out, i'd be addicted to 3.8L/100km combined fuel economy, as well as the diesel torque... [320nm outta 1.6L engine, yay!]

    the 1.2 tsi is going to be one CRACKER of a car for sure, especially when remapped.

  7. #17
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    Released next saturday according to the email I received yesterday....I'll sure be taking one for a spin. Thinking of replacing my GTI with a 1.2tsi just waiting on insurance costs. They don't seem to like the dreaded T word.

  8. #18
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    yeah i think i might have a look see at the new one too. not looking to buy just yet, of course, but it'll be interesting to see the differences.

  9. #19
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    Will they be releasing this in 2 door I hope so only buy it in two door.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Thornleigh, NSW

    I just noticed on the Germany APR site, they've listed the 1.2 Polo, but with no output spec yet, so it looks like it's already in the making for APR, but how far away I don't know...

    I would have thought that with the new Polo GTi coming out with 135KW, that they could have up'd the power on the comfortline from 77 to 90 to fill the void a bit...

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