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Thread: LED Parkers?

  1. #11
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    Sep 2013
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    Quote Originally Posted by nomadx38 View Post
    It's worth noting that VCDS sometimes incorrectly identifies the status of a given byte - as such on my 2011 polo, bulb checking is on for brake lights and indicators (and this is shown as an error on the dash when they are removed) but VCDS states it's not activated. When I change the bit to activate it - it is infact disabling it.

    It's best just to play around with it

    nomadx38: As I said in my post, I would have thought tha the lamp diagnostic settings would have been enabled as a default on my car- but they appear not to be. I guess that I tend to put a lot of trust in the stuff that the VCDS cable says- perhaps too much trust!

    I assume that your 2011 Polo is also a 6R model. When you say that "VCDS sometimes incorrectly identifies the status of a given byte", is there any pattern to when it shows the wrong display (i.e. when does it mis-report the settings) ?
    Last edited by DV52; 14-06-2014 at 04:57 PM.
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  2. #12
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    To be honest I find it's just random problem. I just physically test it to make sure.

    Another example:

    Not sure why byte it's on but they are on the same page, directly under each other in Cent Elec II

    Hazard lights enabled on emergency braking: VCDS - Box un-ticked (so you would assume its disabled) but when I physically do an emergency brake they flash (so they are actually enabled)

    Strobe brake lights enabled on emergency braking: VCDS - Box un-ticked (so you would assume its disabled) and it is actually disabled.

    So in a nutshell it's a random problem where the text doesn't actually reflect what's happening. What the text should read is "disabled" instead of "enabled"

    And oh yeah 6R!

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by nomadx38 View Post
    To be honest I find it's just random problem. I just physically test it to make sure.

    Another example:

    Not sure why byte it's on but they are on the same page, directly under each other in Cent Elec II

    Hazard lights enabled on emergency braking: VCDS - Box un-ticked (so you would assume its disabled) but when I physically do an emergency brake they flash (so they are actually enabled)

    Strobe brake lights enabled on emergency braking: VCDS - Box un-ticked (so you would assume its disabled) and it is actually disabled.

    So in a nutshell it's a random problem where the text doesn't actually reflect what's happening. What the text should read is "disabled" instead of "enabled"

    And oh yeah 6R!
    nomadx38: frustrated by the strange readings on my VCDS screen (and your confirmation that you were having similar problems) I sought advice on the Ross Tech forum.

    After I tried, and failed to change the DRLs by changing the checkbox on byte 23, the "Benevolent Dictator" (Uwe Ross) indicated that VW may have altered some of the BCM parameters on the car. He undertook to look further into the matter. I'll let you know what happens.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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