VW put a 5year warranty on the DSG in about 2013/4 that was retrospective as I understood it. Have a look at older posts on here about it. It will probably only cover parts, but it sounds like youre dealer is a wanker anyway from other things youve told us. Can you not go elsewhere?
People have had faults with the mecatonics (sp?) unit that seemed to get oil in it past the seals on the 1.4 Gtis, that says to me that its inside something oily, probably the gearbox. Dont remember any 1.2s with that problem tho... worth searching thru here to see so, go right back to 2010 and read the posts I guess.
The clutch packs failed on the GTi models, but again I dont know about any 1.2s. I had one set in my Gti at 12k kms, and countless software refreshes over the years. But they are not in the gearbox as such, so I doubt the box would need to be opened to do that work.
The 1.8 GTis seem to have a thump/clunk from 2/3/2 which ive experienced, lots of info here on that, but the 1.4s dont do that, or at least mine never did. Ive never heard of a 1.2 doing that either tho and Ive driven a good few kms in them and my MIL has never had a problem with hers in 14k kms.
It does 'amuse' me that the dealer would deny any work has been done based on some sealant he can see, who knows its not factory or even if it was done at another dealer etc. Its like saying VW didnt rebuild my engine cos they used jubilee clips on the hoses and not the correct OEM crimp types, yet my local dealer did that work, 100%... I lived thru it so I know for sure.