Great work!!! Great explanation and looks the goods!
Can I please also see your version of the installation??
Cheers buddy!
[QUOTE=iigx;958773]Okay crude diagrams to follow but this is how I understand what needs to be done.
4) You need to use the tool (what is it called ?) to remove every single wire from the existing adaptor/cable and wire it into the new cables provided by Kufatec. This would probably take an experienced person 30 minutes - and I assume battery disconnection may be wise.
The cable arrangement should be something like this: (please excuse my mspaint handy work)
Effectively the yellow lines are the lose wires supplied on the new cable, while the blue cables are from the pre-existing cable. The red rectangle is the new cable adaptor that subsequently plugs into the black adaptor/portion of the new cable. The bottom black cable/plug is the power segment of the new cable (im assuming).
did you wire it up like this i thought it went 1 2
3 4