They didn't mention Depreciation... I just cant see the Skoda holding its value as well as the Polo over the years. I believe the 1000 difference will be easily regained when its time to sell. Just my 2c. Had the Fabia been under 30k OTR, then it might have been different, and if they did the first ones at 27999, we might have had a winner. perhaps.
Ive driven the Fabia, its nice and goes well, but for an extra 1k Id rather have the Polo, and in the end I paid Fabia money for my Polo. Perhaps if you negotiate hard for the Fabia you will do ok, but if you want a 3 door or a slightly faster, slightly better looking, and slightly better interior then you would buy the Polo I think. Not being funny cos I bought a Polo, I did seriously consider one of these and the Skoda dealer and I talked a lot about these Fabias the past year, I really wanted it to be great and cheap, but it just wasnt enough of either. :/