2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
We do the brackets as well folks:
Sorry for pushing up the post again..
my camera was working fine..but after being hit and run my camera not working...when it reversing the badge still pop out but with the rns510 doesnt show any image (still have those warning words just can see the image)...and i found that there are 2 wire was broken in the camera (as photo shown).
what should i do in order to make it work again?
i have visit a workshop but they saying i need to replace both the rns510 and the camera as well..that a nightmare for me actually...
so just see any suggestion from you guys..
Can you see where the other ends are If so someone may be able to solder them back together for you.
If damaged in accident it should get fixed by the insurance company as part of the damage claim.
Talk to them about it
You would hardly need to replace the RNS510 because a wire has broken They are having a lend of you.
Last edited by Guest001; 22-01-2014 at 07:15 AM.
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
GEt someone to solder the wires for you mate, even if they need to open the camera , it should be possible to locate.
I'd doubt it the RNS 510 needs replacing, just be careful the red wire or yellow one does not stick to the tail gate as it will blow the fuse which is not easy to locate
The only way those wires are coming out is if they get pulled. If they were tied in place and the accident pulled at them it's possible, either that or someone repairing things back there has pulled at it. I'd be pointing out to the insurer that it's a physical damage thing and NOT an electrical fault (which is I assume what they are trying to work out).
As has been said it's probably a simple fix, take to it with a screwdriver and resolder the broken wires. If you happen to be in the Campbelltown ares I'm happy to lend a hand with the repairs.
If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit
Hi folks. Just followed the excellent guide on here, and have successfully installed a badge camera in my polo 6r. The car has a RNS510, and already had rear OPS.
Before installing the RVC, selecting the reverse gear would bring up a display showing the rear of the car and a visual / audible indication showing me how close I was getting towards an object. I still get this, and now have an extra icon on the screen that I can press to bring up the RVC. I needed to program the unit using VAGCOM to get this additional RVC screen. All good so far.
However, when I go to RVC view, there is a 'slide-in' at the LHS, which is empty. Looking at some photos of the RNS510 online I can see there is meant to be a picture of the car with the OPS indication in this 'slide-in'. Any idea how (or if) I can get this on my system. I've been through a few VAGCOM options, but couldn't see anything relevant.