I checked my contract after reading your post. I have car mats (black) for $180 - these are carpet though and I believe rubber are slightly more expensive but I'm sure not that much more.
Also, I got the parking sensors too. They cost $750 plus $200 install fee. I know - I've already been informed I got shafted. I pick up my pog in a week so will be able to tell you what unit I'm getting (being a girl I did not think to ask, just wanted to get them!). I was given quote from another dealer, for approx $600 no install fee - but that is from memory. I can only hope I get some whiz-bang parking sensors that integrate with my RCD510! It looks like the type of sensors vary from dealer to dealer, and the fee for install (but I'm just guessing). I got the corporate discount so not smarting quite so much over the high cost of sensors. 
I too agree she should not have been asked to pay an additional fee above her contract - it seems odd (but I'm no lawyer). Each time I've changed my order (2 times) a new contract has been issued, signed and returned.
Polo 77TSI DSG, Candy White, sports, audio,comfort packs. Rear Parking Sensors, carpet mats.