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Thread: Fitment of accessories post delivery - BT, MDI & rear parking sensors?

  1. #1
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    Fitment of accessories post delivery - BT, MDI & rear parking sensors?

    I've had the missus ask me a number of questions, all of which are too late for factory option fitment....

    Hoping a few people have had to investigate these items already so before I ask the dealer, I'd like to get an idea of pricing and possibility.

    1. Can the new MY11 Golf BT unit be retrofitted with the RCD310 easily?
    2. How hard is it to add the MDI cable in the glovebox?
    3. I don't recall seeing a factory parking sensor option, has anyone gone aftermarket?

    Items #1 & 2, I reckon I could do myself if it just meant buying the kits and connecting them, I assume the wiring loom would already cater for them anyway.

    Item #3, I'm not sure I like the idea of someone cutting holes into the rear bar. I've seen some fairly terrible DIY installs on the roads so if it didn't look factory then that one won't be considered.

  2. #2
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    You can use after market reversing camera instead, there is a lot of choices there. Reversing camera can be combined with the GPS either on dash or in dash. - Great Prices on Car Audio, Mobile Phones, Digital Cameras and GPS Navigation

    I picked up reversing sensors for front and rear from Repco for $29 (clearance line), it came with digital display, 8 sensors and hole saw for cutting the holes into the bumper.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    You can use after market reversing camera instead, there is a lot of choices there. Reversing camera can be combined with the GPS either on dash or in dash.
    Thank's for the options but they all look a bit cheap and nasty to me? If it isn't going to look factory or close to then she can do with out, her current car doesn't have any of the items anyway.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave- View Post
    Thank's for the options but they all look a bit cheap and nasty to me? If it isn't going to look factory or close to then she can do with out, her current car doesn't have any of the items anyway.
    Only the first Polo shipment, ours included came with factory rear parking sensors integrated with the RCD510. All subsequent shipments are dealer fitted, this includes the underseat storage trays and 12V socket in the rear.

    Not sure about your other questions.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billecartz View Post
    Only the first Polo shipment, ours included came with factory rear parking sensors integrated with the RCD510. All subsequent shipments are dealer fitted, this includes the underseat storage trays and 12V socket in the rear.
    Ah yes I do recall that now. Hopefully she doesn't remember the storage trays otherwise I'll have to source them as well!!!

  6. #6
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    Yer, I confirm that the rear parking sensor are "Genuine VW Dealer fitted accessories" as oppose to "Factory Options". around $700, but will not do a better job than getting it done anywhere else for $200.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BR @ ON View Post
    Yer, I confirm that the rear parking sensor are "Genuine VW Dealer fitted accessories" as oppose to "Factory Options". around $700, but will not do a better job than getting it done anywhere else for $200.
    But most likely they will last longer and be covered by VW warranty.

    Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BR @ ON View Post
    Yer, I confirm that the rear parking sensor are "Genuine VW Dealer fitted accessories" as oppose to "Factory Options". around $700, but will not do a better job than getting it done anywhere else for $200.
    I know they all work the same, but have you seen some of the DIY/cheapo ones fitted? They stand out like dogs balls. If I get them done, it has to look like they were meant to be there.

    Anyway, I'll see what options the dealer gives me when I go down and take it from there.

  9. #9
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    Dealer told me the genuine ones only gives the sound. whereas the aftermarket ones often come with display that shows the distance.

    By the way, actually it was the dealer that suggest me to go for aftermarket. I reserve my opinion for the $29 twin set that was mentioned in the earlier post. But I am quite sure $200 would get you big names in the business.
    Last edited by BR @ ON; 11-09-2010 at 02:50 PM.

  10. #10
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    I ordered the rear parking sensor with the car as an option at a cost of $950. The dealier explained that it cost an extra $200 to have it fitted as the base price (of $750) referred to the first polo shipment only.

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