1. big W is where it's at, haha.
2. bending backwards, like their cars in crash tests, boom tish! but for serious, yeah there does seem to be a bit of "these cars are so damn good that they'll sell themselves - we dont need to buy them, douche" ethos going around.
like at essendon VW when i was looking for A car, definitely wanting another VW but unsure as to which path i should take, i took a mk4 2.0 for a test drive down boring, speed-hump riddled back streets thanks to the dealer's directions. afterwards, upon telling him that YES, I WILL BE BUYING A VW AGAIN, but that im still weighing up my options, i was politely told something along the lines of "well, these are excellent cars, to the point that when people come and test drive, a large majority of them will place a deposit directly after the test drive. perhaps next time you might want to think about waiting to do a test drive until you're serious and ready to place a deposit, as it's an unnecessary use of time and resources when people come for 'joy rides'".
thanks, f***head. you're the closest VW to me and you've got the other car i was interested in at the dealership (my current car), but i'll drive all the way out to ferntree gully to see the boys at burwin instead. way to lose a sale, einstein.