No idea what I'm looking at. Got a photo taken from further back?
Hi team,
I had a car park ouch. No contact details were left. Any idea on how much this will cost to repair. Any tips?? I am in Melbourne.
No idea what I'm looking at. Got a photo taken from further back?
Sorry I dont. Its the bottom of the rear bumper
lower section of rear bumper.... my guess, whole bumper to be replaced... unsure on price but perhaps a good excuse to get an ABT rear diffuser and exhaust as well... off cause will cost more, but looks awesome...
Could be the following:
Cheap repair: $ 700 for repair / respray / colour matching and labour (off the top of my head).
Spectacular finish: $900+
Re Deathlad...incorrect:
The damage is above the rear apron edge as you can see....and to do an ABT exhaust with rear apron is $2,200 (that's without even repairing the damage first lol) unless you can rub up Ramspeed the right way to get it cheaper!
refer to an image of my ABT system below to understand why:
Last edited by Hail22; 04-08-2013 at 08:08 PM.
incorrect in what sense? that the whole bumper needs to be replaced (forgetting about the "spot" repair) or the area of damage? (just trying to see where i went wrong)
does that mean you can remove and replace the apron or do they cut into it?
You'll be up for a replacement bumper. Someone might give you a cheap quote and try to repair it, but they will never be able to give you a warrantee on the work.
I'm not sure what those bumpers are worth, but I wouldn't at all be surprised if it was close to $1000 all said and done. $3-400 is the going rate for bumper paint alone. (With lifetime warrantee)
How much is your excess?
Thanks for the advice all... ill let you know how I go.
What I should of said is "It's silly to suggest an ABT system after having to get a new bumper"
The poor bugger will probably need to fork out 1k for a new one (or find a polo at the wreckers with a good condition bumper) then it needs to be colour matched / the time thats done he's possibly 2k down the poop, add another $2,200 for the ABT its 4k+ worth into the rear section of the car...I'd suggest coilies for that sort of cashI'm sure you'd agree!
here's a 2nd hand bumper
Wrecking VW Volkswagen Polo GTI 6R Sport Turbo Doors Engine Cave DSG MLH in Sydney, NSW | eBay