No coils are being quoted for on this page, its only the anti roll bars that are being discussed/ordered.
What coils are being quoted on? Street Performance, Premium Performance, RSS Club Sport or Ultra Low?
Billecartz; can you give some idea on the clearance on your car with the new springs (I take from the picture you are still using the stock Sports Pack Wheels). I, like a lot of others, am still to receive my car but clearance will be an issue on my driveway. I drove a standard car into the driveway with a bit of a scrape when I was test driving, but the dealer assured me the Sports Pack has more clearance because of the larger wheels.
No coils are being quoted for on this page, its only the anti roll bars that are being discussed/ordered.
Hali, thanks for the heads up [After re-reading the thread that it all makes sense]
Although I don't need the parts yet, I would still be interested to find out the quoted price for the anti-roll bars. I am planning on upgrading the suspension package when mine arrives.
Any reason you are looking to import rather than get the Whiteline rear sway? Would be much cheaper and Whiteline make good gear.
Pricing seems steep, but can be had much cheaper if you can find a good contact.
Didn't relise whiteline made one! I quite like there products, I may look into that.
Should I leave installing the bar to a mechanic or is it pretty easy to do?
2020 VW Golf R
the eibach is a bit cheaper minus the shipping. i might visit repco as they are the stockists of whiteline. the whiteline is also a rear roll bar so maybe one of each?they dont look that complicated. i was thinking, depending on the quility of the instructions, to do it myself?
polo 6r tsi dsg sports pack in shiny red.
Actually that Whiteline one looks like it's only rear....
2020 VW Golf R
the whiteline is only rear (for now), but it made a good difference to turn in and flatness in cornering, even on my polo tdi.
i tried to get mine from repco, and the clowns there laughed when i said its for a polo (to my face), then they said they'll sorta give me a call if whiteline sends some down to victoria, but it's one of those things that you never know, so it's pretty much anyone's guess, but if they do, its $250, whenever that may be.......
walked into autobarn, got the guy to call up whiteline on the spot, and paid $199 on the spot. done.
How easy was it to install?
2020 VW Golf R
Very easy to install on the last Polo, kit looks the same.
I would not upgrade the front bar, needs to have subframe dropped and if you want the handing, coilovers or spring and shock combo should be the way forward,