Hey guys
Wanted to leave some feed back on the DNA tune that I received from john on my 2010 polo 77tsi.
So I got the new program put in by John on Thursday(10th) and have had it for a few days driving now. Like all of you I was a little hesitant at first but after meeting John and having a chat I was happy to proceed to see what sort of output we were able to get. The biggest impression it has left on me is just how smooth the car is running, which is quite surprising for a brand new car. I found that before the reflash it was jerky in first gear especially and even between the gear changes but the upgrade has somehow eliviated this issue.
The engine is happy to keep revving until you want it to now and power delivery is quite noticeable. You can literally hear the spooling up of the turbo which you couldn't before. Love this!!!! It has made the car alot easier to drive in alot of ways and hasn't lost that daily driveability which was important to me.
The Numbers provided by John I suppose are proof of the increase but in the car while driving there is deifinately a massive change in the way the engine is performing. We are yet to put the car on a Dyno to get some accurate figures on this and will keep everyone updated as to what the results are.
Until then I cannot recommend John highly enough for the way he handled all the million questions I had for him as well as the ease of the entire process.
Happy to answer any questions anyone might have as well....
Cheers Guys