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Thread: Dead Throttle - extreme lag? ... dangerous!

  1. #21
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    Yeah, North Shore Volkswagen just told me that "they ran a diagnostic test and found nothing". How useful. Thanks?

  2. #22
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    Hey guys, I think this issue has been mentioned in another post somewhere but Isn't the lag caused when the clutches overheat?
    I believe the gearbox goes into a failsafe and doesn't engage? Someone can probably correct me here, I believe that a software change later may have overridden this failsafe as the hesitation in moving could be dangerous but ultimately they are replacing clutch now via recall?

    I've never experienced the problem myself, though I have a theory it is because I live in Canberra and there is less slow moving traffic? Can any of you confirm for me when you drive your car in slow traffic do you EVER allow the car to creep forward in slow traffic riding the brake like you would in an automatic car? I ask this because people say it's "when my wife drives the car" or "when slow in traffic". The car has no torque converter, just because there is no clutch pedal doesn't mean its OK to creep along with the clutch slipping all the time. Imagine the feathering etc the mechatronics has to do on the clutch to keep the car moving smoothly without stalling in slow traffic, surely it would get pretty hot?

  3. #23
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    This happened to me today. It's happened maybe 4 or 5 times in 7 months. I sure don't love it.

    Current Ride: Golf GTI Mk7 MY2014|DSG|Carbon Steel
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  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Ringwood, Victoria
    Quote Originally Posted by Karl View Post
    Hey guys, I think this issue has been mentioned in another post somewhere but Isn't the lag caused when the clutches overheat?
    I believe the gearbox goes into a failsafe and doesn't engage? Someone can probably correct me here, I believe that a software change later may have overridden this failsafe as the hesitation in moving could be dangerous but ultimately they are replacing clutch now via recall?

    I've never experienced the problem myself, though I have a theory it is because I live in Canberra and there is less slow moving traffic? Can any of you confirm for me when you drive your car in slow traffic do you EVER allow the car to creep forward in slow traffic riding the brake like you would in an automatic car? I ask this because people say it's "when my wife drives the car" or "when slow in traffic". The car has no torque converter, just because there is no clutch pedal doesn't mean its OK to creep along with the clutch slipping all the time. Imagine the feathering etc the mechatronics has to do on the clutch to keep the car moving smoothly without stalling in slow traffic, surely it would get pretty hot?
    Sorry mate but it's nothing to do with the clutches overheating. This is something different, similar to the false neutral which if what I have been replicating over the last 2 weeks shows, it's an issue in the software in that the DSG gets confuses as to what gear and what clutch combination should be used when exiting a corner. If it was clutches overheating, there is a flag that gets dropped in the diagnostics to say the the clutches have gone out of their normal operating temperature.

    The clutches also have nothing to do with any recalls and in fact the "latest revision" was done back in february 2010 from my mail so there is no and hasn't been any 'clutch updates' irrespective of what dealerships say. The only recall is for the mechatronics units in certain build date cars and there was the 37g7 service campaign for similar vehiicles with the 0AM 927 769D mechatronics unit.

    Stage 2+ Intercooler Carbon Intake Downpipe Swaybar DV+ Remsa.

  5. #25
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    Quick FYI the new Mechatronics unit will be starting off with an X build number, I've spoken to VWAG and they have assured me that if there are concerns with some vehicles clutch packs that dealerships have been authorised to replace clutch packs with the mechatronic replacement unit (when they eventually arrive of course).

  6. #26
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    Dead Throttle - extreme lag? ... dangerous!

    Any news from your end regarding reimbursement for those who have forked out their own cash? Mofos haven't returned any of my emails or phone calls, contrary to what they are trumpeting on about.

    Stage 2+ Intercooler Carbon Intake Downpipe Swaybar DV+ Remsa.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by gavs View Post
    Any news from your end regarding reimbursement for those who have forked out their own cash? Mofos haven't returned any of my emails or phone calls, contrary to what they are trumpeting on about.
    Ask for Jason Aquilina *spelling* at VWAG and calmly speak to him about your claim / issues.

    North Shore VW have been slammed before with regards to not replacing faulty RCDS510 units and waiting for the affected vehicle(s) unit to go out of warranty and then claim "we knew nothing about it".

    If they decline you from attaining a new mechatronics unit or carry out the proper investigations Re clutch packs, gearbox and engine concerns (as per the upcoming recall) then speak to the person above at VWAG.
    Last edited by Hail22; 19-07-2013 at 01:20 PM.

  8. #28
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    Can anyone confirm that this new mechatronics will have a new part number? I currently have the 0AM 927 769D mechatronics unit and the 37G7 update (apparently). Hey Gavs are you saying the mechatronics with this part number will be replaced - or do they only get the service campaign update?

    I would like to point out that as of recent my car has taken yet another step for the worse. On top of my ongoing gearbox issues (dropping the clutches every gear and it can't choose between 2 or 3 for the life of it) but now I have a new problem that I have to apply over 50% throttle (actually more towards 75%) just to get it to kick up a damn gear and to add to that if I'm in 7th it will jump to 5th and skip the middle gear (almost as if its taken too long to kick back and in the mean time has slown down so much that it needs more power)

    It doesn't just do it with 7th - it does it in every gear. Now I thought it could be engine related but looking at my UltraGauge OBD it shows that the boost pressure rises high and so does engine load so the engine is responding to my command and pulling hard but without gearing trying to pull at 1050 rpm in 7 will do nothing to pick up speed. just appears the gearbox is been a prick and not changing back. It has become so lazy it's not a joke! It will literally wait unil the rpms drop bellow 1050 to shift to a higher gear, otherwise it decides 1050 rpm is perfectly fine to stay at...

    Also another interesting thing I would like to point out. I had my clutched changed at 22k km and have had problems ever since. I had a look at the paper work following the clutch change and it clearly states the clutch repair kit 0AM 198 140 A has been used.

    Now looking at the TPI from erwin regarding this it CLEARLY states that "all models including 2011" should be using part 0AM 198 140 C and "from model year 2012" use 0AM 198 140 A. My car is a June / July 2011 build which means its a 2011 car.

    I wonder if the slight change in model number means that they have stuffed up my gearbox by using the wrong part. That been the constant dropping of the clutches (possibly due to different design) is putting extra strain on the mechatronics causing that to wear out.

    Makes me wonder...

  9. #29
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    Dead Throttle - extreme lag? ... dangerous!

    Mine too is developing those symptoms when driven in D so that is quite interesting.

    Yes for sure the wrong clutch packs have been installed if they indeed put that kit in, potentially that could contribute as different part numbers relate to different dsg part numbers. While this is based on my experience, Guy Harding can confirm, considering he had to order in my mech unit so it was the same part number.

    RE mech unit part number, I believe that there will be a revised version of the 0AM 927 769D mechatronics unit using the same part number but a different revision status. Can't confirm that yet though but initially a different part number and software combo was talked about...

    Stage 2+ Intercooler Carbon Intake Downpipe Swaybar DV+ Remsa.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Dead Throttle - extreme lag? ... dangerous!

    I've had it happen less than 1km from home, on a warm-ish day. I never creep the car. So whilst maybe it happens with warm/hot clutches, it's not always the case for myself.
    Mk8 Golf GTI

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