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Hey guys, I think this issue has been mentioned in another post somewhere but Isn't the lag caused when the clutches overheat?
I believe the gearbox goes into a failsafe and doesn't engage? Someone can probably correct me here, I believe that a software change later may have overridden this failsafe as the hesitation in moving could be dangerous but ultimately they are replacing clutch now via recall?
I've never experienced the problem myself, though I have a theory it is because I live in Canberra and there is less slow moving traffic? Can any of you confirm for me when you drive your car in slow traffic do you EVER allow the car to creep forward in slow traffic riding the brake like you would in an automatic car? I ask this because people say it's "when my wife drives the car" or "when slow in traffic". The car has no torque converter, just because there is no clutch pedal doesn't mean its OK to creep along with the clutch slipping all the time. Imagine the feathering etc the mechatronics has to do on the clutch to keep the car moving smoothly without stalling in slow traffic, surely it would get pretty hot?