Quote Originally Posted by JonP01 View Post
LOL that almost looks like a metal clothes peg or folder clip. I'd almost try it myself if it were possible to get at that end of the actuator. I could try a clothes peg on the shaft just to see if that really is the noise but my guess is it would melt. I still don't really get why my car is fantastic from 1 minute after a cold start and then for about 10 minutes after that. I would have thought the actuator would be shaking around whether the car was cold or fully warmed up.

Excluding the fuel feeder pump which in the last four days has become a permanent fixture of my Polo Symphony in A major (given the feeder pump hums at 440 hertz), it's perfect in that small window of time. Then all the annoying and worrisome noises start. Sadly, another new noise started yesterday just as I thought the cacophony could not become more complex than it already is. Now there is an additional part in the symphony for Glockenspiel. Now I get a metallic ringing or scraping sound whenever I close the throttle. It's exactly like squealing brakes, except that I don't have my foot on the brake. So now I can enjoy sounds both on throttle, off throttle, hot, cold - you name it, it doesn't matter. There is a sound for every occasion!

I would hope that the next person who owns my car next time is either deaf or a fan of John Cage. But even then my concern would be how does a deaf person ring VW Assist or the NRMA from a mobile phone in a broken down car?
Hi,in my case ,VW workshop reckon it was the high pressure fuel pump and I got that changed.it was quiet for roughly 6 months and the light rattling noises back.its 80% mostly heard when engines cold.