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Thread: Coilover Install Melbourne

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Emerald, Vic

    Quote Originally Posted by juussttin View Post
    Im located in Endeavour hills, $250 is a great price. But i actually working in North Melbourne in a couple weeks for a few days just down the road from suspension city. I may just give him a call for that price.
    too easy, sounds like the best plan!
    My Car(s): 2011 6R TSI Comfortline (Pepper Silver),
    If you're in need of any 6n1 parts, odds are that I am going to have them (dismantling 2 at the moment)

  2. #12
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    Emerald, Vic
    ... and its now done!
    My Car(s): 2011 6R TSI Comfortline (Pepper Silver),
    If you're in need of any 6n1 parts, odds are that I am going to have them (dismantling 2 at the moment)

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by pontiff View Post
    ... and its now done!
    Big thank you to pontiff. Will upload couple photos soon.

  4. #14
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    What tool did you use for spreading the bearing housing to release the bottom of the struts?

    Also, to gain access to the top strut nut, did you remove the plastic shroud. If so, has the "clip in fit" of the shroud to bottom of windscreen become any slacker? My concern is that it may become less tight if removed/reinstalled sever times. Hence, start leaking.


  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by VEEEUU View Post
    What tool did you use for spreading the bearing housing to release the bottom of the struts?

    Also, to gain access to the top strut nut, did you remove the plastic shroud. If so, has the "clip in fit" of the shroud to bottom of windscreen become any slacker? My concern is that it may become less tight if removed/reinstalled sever times. Hence, start leaking.

    hi VEE,

    I used a 3/8" to 1/4" adapter and just turn it 90 degrees. OR you can use (like i did on justins car) a allen key turned 90 degrees and uber amounts of twisting and WD40.. they come out pretty much okay after that. they need to give such a little amount i would not be worried about them breaking or whatever. VW make a tool but its essentially the same sort of thing.

    As for the top nut, yes you have to remove the shroud. I have taken mine out 4-5 times now and no, it sits in there as snug as the day it was put in, no water would leak in you are perfectly fine, the water gets in anyway as it has those holes in it but just runs down the inner guard.

    the biggest PITA we had really when doing justins was getting the wiper arms off . The rest was challenging but do'able. i had no trouble getting my arms off but struggled getting the LHS strut out, its just a different challenge for different cars but i can confidently say that i can change them with my eyes closed now

    I need to start the "Pakenham Polo Parts Emporium" or such like
    Last edited by pontiff; 01-10-2013 at 04:36 PM. Reason: cause i cant spell
    My Car(s): 2011 6R TSI Comfortline (Pepper Silver),
    If you're in need of any 6n1 parts, odds are that I am going to have them (dismantling 2 at the moment)

  6. #16
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    Coilover Install Melbourne-dscf1062-jpgThank you heaps for this comprehensive explanation.

    I had mine lowered by a mechanic. He chose not to remove the plastic cowel. He cut 40mm holes (using a hole saw) directly above the strut top mounts to lower a special tube socket (Like a "C"shape) onto the strut top nut. A 7mm allan key can than be inserted underneath the plastic cowel into the strut rod. He used 45mm rubber blanking gromets to cover these holes over when finished. Looks OK.

    The reason I asked for your advice is that I will need to do the job again and this time on my own. Hence, any other "tricks" which may make the job simpler and safer are most welcome.

    I had made a mistake in ignoring other POLO owners experiences with just changing springs and not the shockers. There is an awful deficiency in rebound control as the H&R 35/55 springs (930kg) are so firm.

    The rear has now been tamed by installing KONI adjustable sport shocks. Now for the dreaded job of replacing the the front with KONI adjustable strut towers. I am keeping the H&R springs as they lower the car nicely without any tyre rubbing issues on 18x7.5 rims. (215/35 tyres)

    Kind regards

  7. #17
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    Emerald, Vic
    Yeah but Mannnnnn, not hard to do it properly, if my mechanic did that I would be demanding a new panel and never do anything like that again!!!

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Emerald, Vic
    If u struggle, bring it up to pakenham and I will do it for u

  9. #19
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    Coilover Install Melbourne-dscf1005-jpgCoilover Install Melbourne-dscf1006-jpgCoilover Install Melbourne-dscf1007-jpgCoilover Install Melbourne-dscf1009-jpgHi Pontiff

    Thank you for your generous offer. I see how I go on my own first.

    For interes,t I have attached some images of the strut access method. The mechanic said it would be easier than removing the windscreen wiper arms.

    Kind regards

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    No worries, offer is always there. Wiper arms are 2x13mm and a puller. Can be difficult, but no more so than making sure you don't destroy the thing in the first place

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