Hi Guys,
I have a weird noise coming from the rear (may be front, but sounds like the rear) of the car when I initially apply the brake, even when applied extremely lightly. This noise only occurs after a full stop, and only if I have not reached road speed before applying the brake again, for example the drive through at McD's or heavy traffic. This sound does not occur in reverse at all to my knowledge, and I've not noticed it in parking.
There are no strange thuds of any nature when driving the car normally, speed bumps, hard cornering, bumps in corners, drive way etc are all fine, only in the very specific condition of braking after a full stop, even with extremely soft braking.
PS. Front brakes and pads have been changed after the noise started with no change
PPS. Non-standard H&R springs, most likely not the problem, but more information is good information.