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Thread: Climate Control additional settings

  1. #11
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    Yea but you said its more moisture but its the temp in this case.
    MY16 Candy white Octavia VRS Wagon, sunroof, 19" black pack, tech pack, comfort pack, auto tail gate
    MY12.5 Polo 6R GTI

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by lunchboxGTI View Post
    Yea but you said its more moisture but its the temp in this case.
    Ok well maybe that last piece of writing wasn't my best. Humans make mistakes after all.
    But really both moisture and temperature contribute to foggy windows – if it was only temperature (as you appear to think) then if there was no humidity in the car the windows would still fog up (which is incorrect, as the moisture needs to come from somewhere and no, heat flow doesn't magically create moisture.)

    Anyway, why don't people just turn the ac on and set a temperature? That will solve all of your foggy problems. It's not like the ac even zaps that much power, or uses that much fuel and seeming its part of your car, why not use it?
    Last edited by alexaescht; 07-07-2013 at 04:51 PM.
    Alex Aescht

    MY13 Dark Silver VW up! 5-door 55MPI manual — Comfort Style Pack, Comfort Drive Pack, Maps + More, Panoramic Sunroof
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexaescht View Post
    Ok well maybe that last piece of writing wasn't my best. Humans make mistakes after all.

    Anyway, why don't people just turn the ac on and set a temperature? That will solve all of your foggy problems. It's not like the ac even zaps that much power, or uses that much fuel and seeming its part of your car, why not use it?
    Exactly! During winter I have the climate control set on 23 degrees with the fan speed at 1 or 2 and my windscreen never fogs up. But as soon as I turn it off, the windscreen will start to fog-up.

    I haven't noticed a single change in my fuel economy since I've started to have the air conditioning on every day...
    MY16 Golf GTI Performance Pack

    Previously: MY12 Polo 77TSI
    In The Family: MY15 Golf 103TSI Highline & MY15 Audi RS3

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexaescht View Post
    Ok well maybe that last piece of writing wasn't my best. Humans make mistakes after all.
    But really both moisture and temperature contribute to foggy windows – if it was only temperature (as you appear to think) then if there was no humidity in the car the windows would still fog up (which is incorrect, as the moisture needs to come from somewhere and no, heat flow doesn't magically create moisture.)

    Anyway, why don't people just turn the ac on and set a temperature? That will solve all of your foggy problems. It's not like the ac even zaps that much power, or uses that much fuel and seeming its part of your car, why not use it?
    I never said you don't need moisture. I just stated temp was the deciding factor in fogging. How you get rid of it (whether you use A/C or not) is up to the individual. But without the temp Change. moisture is just going to free float in the air.
    MY16 Candy white Octavia VRS Wagon, sunroof, 19" black pack, tech pack, comfort pack, auto tail gate
    MY12.5 Polo 6R GTI

  5. #15
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    oh wow ok...

    See I always thought it was just because the recirc button switched off just means it's letting the air from outside inside the car and with the demisters on the air drives straight to the front window. Normally if I have it set to face or feet it doesnt happen, but I don't like heat on my face so I just leave it on feet and front window.

    I know A/C will clean everything up quicker I'm just comfortable with the temps in the morning and don't want either on. Also another thing is you can have the A/C on without having the recirc on. I found this annoying as well.

    Guess it's just something most cars have these days.
    GOLF GTI MY11 ADIDAS Candy White, Sunroof
    GOLF GTI 40th ED, White with Sunroof

  6. #16
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    Of course you can have the a/c and non recirc on. Just means the air is pulled in from outside and as a result may not offer the same amount as cooling as if the air is been recirculated.

    But it goes back to my original point the recirculated air becomes stale and is bad for you causing a lack of concentration and tiredness.

  7. #17
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    Does anyone read the owners manual anymore?

  8. #18
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    I always love the amount of physicists here

    If altering the temperature of the inside of the vehicle really bothers you that much, there are products that will prevent fogging on the inside of your windows. RainX make one (Black bottle) and it does work. I used it on my charade which didn't have AC or a heater core for two winters

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