From memory this holiday is observed worldwide as I was told the same thing for the Tiguan built in Wolfsburg.
Not sure if anyone would know the answer to this but... When getting an update from my dealer about the polo gti I ordered, they mentioned that the factory was closed until the 17th of jan (fair enough they need breaks too), meaning there was a halt in production. Is this just a bit of bs or is it fact?
From memory this holiday is observed worldwide as I was told the same thing for the Tiguan built in Wolfsburg.
Thanks for that
Didn't think the Spanish could afford a holiday as they're in a fair bit of financial hardship.
I recall reading somewhere that a factory was starting 2011 builds in the second week of the year (so 10th January), it may vary from factory to factory but I suspect there was some kind of halt over the christmas period for all factories.
Polo 77TSI DSG, Candy White, sports, audio,comfort packs. Rear Parking Sensors, carpet mats.