Brake light problem in 6R Polo
Our 2010 Polo Comfortline has been showing a bulb out warning on the dash for quite a while.. None of the bulbs were actually out. Took it for a service last week and they told me brake lights werent working. VW had said they thought it was the brake light switch so we changed it. Still out
Took it to VW today and they have diagnosed a faulty BCM for $1340 fitted.
Strangely yesterday when taking it over to VW the lights decided to work and are still doing so.
Tech said BCM was only outputting 9V to the lights and thats why they werent going.
So why are they on now???????
Question Will a second hand BCM fit and work or will CP cut in even if its the identical part number.
Am a bit leery on VW after they told me the drivers seat in my prev Passat needed a whole undertray and motor for $1013 and me charging the batttery fixed it
Anyone got any ideas for a cheaper fix as want to sell it and buy a T-Cross or a Kamiq
UPDATE Ran battery down yesterday to 9.5 V and brake lights wouldnt work.
Put the Ctek on it and after charging for 10 hours battery was up and lights work
SO IS IT THE BCM or is it the BATTERY.
However at 9.5v it wont start the car so I guess i will have to dig deep
Last edited by Guest001; 03-04-2021 at 08:41 AM.
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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