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Thread: Bluetooth/TPK question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Brighton East, VIC
    Users Country Flag

    Bluetooth/TPK question

    G'day all,

    I've just bought a 2014 Polo 1.4 Trendline and it has that Touch Adapter handsfree mounted to the passenger side of the dash. The issue I'm finding is that when I play music it comes through the phone line, which I know is a noted issue as I don't have the Music version of the Touch Adapter. What is the best way to listen to music in the car? Would be good to have bluetooth but I've been using the AUX and the issue I run into is that if I leave it connected to the TPK then it routes music through it but If I disconnect then I can't use handsfree. I also have the MDI port with a USB slot coming out of it so I may give that a go but I fear I'll run into the same issue.

    I saw an old thread on UK-Polos where someone ran a cable from the TPK module into the AUX port and from my understanding this fixes the issue of quality. Is this the best way to do it? What I can't wrap my head around is that the RCD310 has a BT Audio option but nothing comes up so I'm guessing I don't have the VW BT Module (note that I have a steering wheel with no controls so there's nothing in the driver info display to control).

    Any solutions welcome, cheers!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Canberra, ACT
    Users Country Flag

    I think there maybe something in this long old thread that maybe helpful. All your MY12.5+ Bluetooth Touch Adaptor Answers

    or here BlueTooth related questions (all BT questions go in this thread only)

    look into VCDS coding and possibly disabling something called A2DP bluetooth? Though that maybe helps with using touch adapter and the MDI port in glovebox or do you mean the 3.5mm Aux port?

    I have a 2012 GTI and it does have bluetooth module under driver seat, i did do a few things in the past trying to recode to support Bury brand phone cradles instead of touch adapter but for years I have just had touch adapter disconnected and use builtin bluetooth as it is easier. I am sure in the first link i posted somewhere years ago i read an explainer of something about disabling this A2DpP option for touch adapter helps switching from MDI(aux) to voice bluetooth maybe.

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