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Thread: Automated Car Washes???

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Cronulla, NSW
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    Question Automated Car Washes???

    Hi All,

    Just wondering, is it safe to take my Polo GTI through an automated car wash? I've heard that some car washes can scratch the paintwork of newish cars. The one I'm looking to use regularly is at a Shell Service Station in Taren Point, NSW. There is a sign saying "Car Safety Guaranteed" on the carwash but I just wanted to make sure!

    What is your experience?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Generally any touch free car washes should be fine... i'd be wary of any ones that use brushes though

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polo_GTI View Post
    Generally any touch free car washes should be fine... i'd be wary of any ones that use brushes though
    The one at Taren Point is definitely not touch-free. It beats the crap out of your car

    I've been getting mine done at Diamond on Taren Point Rd, and getting a beer at the Taren Point Hotel . It costs a pretty penny and they can't make coffee to save their lives, but they do a good job. There's a place at Kogarah that are ok too, but avoid the guys on Captain Cook Drive near Jay Car. They wash in the shade and leave streaks everywhere. Waste of money
    Mk8 Golf GTI

  4. #4
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    I wouldn't trust the ones that use brushes, only high pressure.

    The thing you have to watch out for with them is, the employee who wants to give the front end of your car a touch up with a soapy broom first...

  5. #5
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    Just don't.

  6. #6
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    Haha damn right, the on at TP is violent! I used to use it on my VE Commodore but that was a company car and I didn't really care what happened to it. It was awesome then because you could get 2 washes for $12! I've been to Diamond and they're expensive... I live in a unit so its not really easy for me to wash my own car, so I was hoping there was somewhere that did a halfway decent job for $20. My old man has told me of a place on Burraneer Bay Road at a Caltex Servo that's run by an old couple that does a good wash if you don't mind waiting a while. I might have to go there.

    Current Ride: Golf GTI Mk7 MY2014|DSG|Carbon Steel
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  7. #7
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    The place up at Sutherland near the SUS club is good too, but there's usually a bit of a wait.
    Let me know how you go up Burraneer Bay Rd.
    Mk8 Golf GTI

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    There is a spotless/touchless car wash on the corner of Bath Road and The Bollevard
    (it's off the main road so many people don't know it's there)
    $16 gets you the best wash with wax applied also

    Remember, these are only any good for frequent washing of cars with paint in good condition and light dirt
    Don't use these when you have significant issue - bird crap and tar and other deposits
    These washes won't sort those problems out and if you're unlucky you may end up with a stain

  9. #9
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    why not just wash at home ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by kam View Post
    why not just wash at home ?
    Bit hard as I live in a unit and park in secure lock up parking. Anyone know of any good waterless cleaning products?

    Current Ride: Golf GTI Mk7 MY2014|DSG|Carbon Steel
    Previous Ride: Polo GTI MY2012|DSG|RNS510|Shadow Blue|Lenso GF7 18” rims
    Instagram: @lemonskin

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