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Thread: Audiosources DNS610 installation problem (very strange)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Angry Audiosources DNS610 installation problem (very strange)

    Hello to everybody as this is my first post!

    I installed a Dns610 on my 2010 6R Polo.
    Here is the situation....
    With the ignition switch in the off position the dns610 works fine
    but when turning the ignition switch to on the dns610 shuts down!
    Has anyone had the same problem?
    Any help would be appreciated!

  2. #2
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    Coogee, NSW
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    Quote Originally Posted by craze View Post
    Hello to everybody as this is my first post!

    I installed a Dns610 on my 2010 6R Polo.
    Here is the situation....
    With the ignition switch in the off position the dns610 works fine
    but when turning the ignition switch to on the dns610 shuts down!
    Has anyone had the same problem?
    Any help would be appreciated!
    I haven't touched a VW entertainment system, but in a regular aftermarket unit (Sony, Pioneer etc) there would be a constant power input (battery) then accessories/ignition. Assuming it's the same here, then if you get the unit turning on for accessories it should be fine in ignition because nothing changes in terms of power input.

    Might be worth pulling the unit out and using a multimeter to test the voltage on the accessories power input in both states to see if anything changes.
    MY15 Polo 81TSI Comfortline DSG | Driver Comfort Pack | Pepper Grey

  3. #3
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    Its kinda different in original vw systems.It has 2 constant +12feeds and is controlled by can bus.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by craze View Post
    Hello to everybody as this is my first post!

    I installed a Dns610 on my 2010 6R Polo.
    Here is the situation....
    With the ignition switch in the off position the dns610 works fine
    but when turning the ignition switch to on the dns610 shuts down!
    Has anyone had the same problem?
    Any help would be appreciated!
    craze: I don't think that your problem has anything to do with 12V supply rails. If you know about CAN bus enabled controls, then you probably know how to wire-up a radio! But the behaviour of your radio sounds like "component protection". I wasn't aware that the Polo had this but perhaps the DNS610 unit has a form of CP?

    Anyhow - let me explain, in something like a golf mk7, a number of control modules are included within the CP regime. And it works exactly like you have described! What happen with CP is that the CAN Gateway compares the identity of the "captured" control modules (the radio is one of these) at switch-on with the identity of these modules the previous time that the ignition was turned-on. If there is a difference between the two lists, odd things happen, like the radio won't turn on, or there is no sound from the radio. CP is activated when the ignition is turned on (i.e. terminal 15) , so if the ignition is off everything works OK. It's only when the switch is turned-on that CP problems manifest.

    Now before others jump down my throat, let me be clear that I'm not saying that the Polo has CP, I'm just pointing-out similarities in behaviour. So, when you installed the Dns610, was there a set-up procedure that involved a security code, or were you meant to go though a security process? As I said, it sounds like your observed behaviour is an anti-theft mexhanism for your new unit,
    Last edited by DV52; 13-03-2015 at 05:14 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  5. #5
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    DV52: No there was not any initial setup.
    One thing i know for sure is that the DNS610 works because it has been tested in a VW Golf mk6 2009MY and it works fine.
    Thanks for your opinion!

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