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Thread: Audi A1 Quattro

  1. #21
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    May 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by Coolio View Post
    Interestingly the Australian automotive industry provides over 200,000 direct employment opportunities, plus supports a manufacturing industry base of over 1 million workers. Our import tariffs are low enough to allow EXTREMELY strong competition from overseas car makers. If low volume vehicles like the RS3 and DS3R don't comply with our ADRs then so be it. We all have plenty of choice when it comes to purchasing new cars in Australia. Also, from reading the information in this forum, it would appear that Audi have ELECTED not to crash test the RS3, thereby precluding it from being imported. Obviously Audi have therefore DECIDED that regardless of the ADRs they don't have a business case to bring it here. The ADRs certainly are not responsible for "little marios on their p plates" writing off whatever vehicle they happen to be driving around in. Neither are the Australian car manufacturers. IF you were saying that the ADRs were responsible for stopping vehicles that were accessible to the P plate market and were demonstrably safer, in terms of passive safety features, than what is otherwise available, then i think you would have a point. BUT you aren't. IF you elect to drive outside the law then you put yourself at risk REGARDLESS of the vehicle you are driving and REGARDLESS of any Australian Design Regulation. AUSTRALIA is not backward. People trying to link ADRs to "little marios on their p plates (who) write themselves and their falcodores off every year" are backward.
    oh my, not only did you manage to thoroughly misinterpret the message that i was trying to convey, you also managed to fumble your own "argument" TOO (random word in caps, like yourself).

    and im sorry that you took offense to the fact that australia is backward, to the extent that you're having a personal dig - pretty clear that i hit a nerve, and that you begrudgingly agree with me


    ---------- Post added at 02:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by pologti18t View Post
    The driver training isn't as advanced in German as you think it is.

    BTW, how many defensive or advanced driver training courses have YOU done?
    yet the germans seem to know when the fck to move out of the fast lane, and indicate their intent to do so.

    i'd say that driving in australia is nearly as bad as driving somewhere like jakarta, but i'd be wrong - at least there, the chaos is organised, and they actually know what happens at a round about.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buller_Scott View Post
    oh my, not only did you manage to thoroughly misinterpret the message that i was trying to convey, you also managed to fumble your own "argument" TOO (random word in caps, like yourself).

    and im sorry that you took offense to the fact that australia is backward, to the extent that you're having a personal dig - pretty clear that i hit a nerve, and that you begrudgingly agree with me

    What did you mean then? I thought COOLIO pretty much got at what you were saying in your original post. It was certainly the gist of the message I was getting.

    How is Australia backwards? Enlighten us....

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by pologti18t View Post
    How is Australia backwards? Enlighten us....
    haha! you're getting upset too! settle petal...

    people who've formed this opinion, be it here or overseas (lol. can of worms), know.

    the rest are welcome to take offense, as you and coolio are. quite simply, i dont see the need to enable you to turn this into a "now i have to prove it to you" scenario.

    as i said, you're welcome to go on ahead and take offense.

  4. #24
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    I actually thought what i said was pretty much factual, and where i did put forward an opinion i supported it with facts. Also, it's not about being a "now i have to prove it to you" scenario. But if you have an opinion surely it's better to back it up than just start having a go at people for replying?
    Last edited by Coolio; 06-03-2012 at 02:45 PM.

  5. #25
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    I wasn't having a go at anyone....Just bringing forward a personal opinion....I honestly think reducing speed limits isn't the be all and end all of driver safety which seems to be pushed in every state....which i am sure no one can argue with......

    Especially the stupidity of reducing a 100 km/h road to a 90 km/h road because some idiot put himself around a tree when he pushed his car to over 160 km/h.

    I think the government need to have a bit of sense and honestly see that 'accidents happen'. I disagree with the idea that all accidents are preventable even if they are....they still happened!

    And yes i have done a few courses driven in germany and in the United Kingdom....

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buller_Scott View Post
    haha! you're getting upset too! settle petal...

    people who've formed this opinion, be it here or overseas (lol. can of worms), know.
    A nice throw away line Me ? Offended? By someone I have never met?

    Everyone can have an opinion, but it's much better if the opinion is backed up with facts and evidence.

    Anyway, Brett, for a country of such backward yokels we do pretty well at avoiding fatalities on the roads here. Unlike the idiots in Indonesia - twice the rate per 100,000 pop, 30 times the rate per 100,000 motor vehicles. Organised chaos indeed
    Last edited by pologti18t; 07-03-2012 at 12:33 PM.

  7. #27
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