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Thread: Anyone had a knocking sound in the rear?

  1. #1
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    Anyone had a knocking sound in the rear?

    I was stuck in bumper to bumper traffic about a month ago and heard a soft creaking sound from the left rear. I dont hear it all the time, probably because I'm half deaf. It has now developed into a little knock. Maybe a shock bush? Anyone else had rear suspension issues?

  2. #2
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    I have the same knocking sound. Left rear as well. Happens at low speed when there is weight transfer front to rear.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by HenryJr View Post
    I have the same knocking sound. Left rear as well. Happens at low speed when there is weight transfer front to rear.
    Have you had anyone look for it? Or looked for yourself?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by amazeer View Post
    Have you had anyone look for it? Or looked for yourself?
    I have mine booked in two weeks time to replace the Stop/Start module (sinces its not working) so I will get them to look at it then.

    Can't pinpoint what it is exactly. Once doing over 40kph it doesn't occur. Very strange

  5. #5
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    Top left strut bearing can do that Mine has done it since new but recently has stopped. Not sure if the strut will fall out or not LOL

    Take strut out look at the part number on it if it has a letter after the number there is a replacement one for it that doesnt have the number like this one which is $50 s/h
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  6. #6
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    Knocking from the rear? Only when I shove someone in the boot.

    I mean.... what?

    Jokes aside - I had this exact issue and replacing the rear shocks is what fixed it. Hope this helps!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mythik View Post
    Knocking from the rear? Only when I shove someone in the boot.

    I mean.... what?

    Jokes aside - I had this exact issue and replacing the rear shocks is what fixed it. Hope this helps!
    Ha ha My wifes Polo has done it since new Should I have replaced the shocks at 2000km.????
    There was a top rear strut bearing that did it and there was a modified version to replace it with.
    Ours actually has stopped rattling after 6 years.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  8. #8
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    Damn. I didnt see replies to this thread. Before seeing the replies I removed the shock and went for a short drive, knock disappeared. So I bought a new one online, just waiting for it to be delivered. Pain in the arse if its the bearing. I only want it to shut up the noise while I am waiting for my new car.

    Incidentally, the cheapest I could get a low mileage shock from wreckers was going to work out to be the same price as new OE.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by amazeer View Post
    Damn. I didnt see replies to this thread. Before seeing the replies I removed the shock and went for a short drive, knock disappeared. So I bought a new one online, just waiting for it to be delivered. Pain in the arse if its the bearing. I only want it to shut up the noise while I am waiting for my new car.

    Incidentally, the cheapest I could get a low mileage shock from wreckers was going to work out to be the same price as new OE.
    Did replacing the shock fix the issue for you?

    Mine went in today to get this and the stop/start system fixed (they had to replace the wiring loom for it).

    They couldnt replicate the knock. I took one of the mechanics around the block and he heard it. He came away scratching his head.

    Its booked back in again in a couple of weeks.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by HenryJr View Post
    Did replacing the shock fix the issue for you?

    Mine went in today to get this and the stop/start system fixed (they had to replace the wiring loom for it).

    They couldnt replicate the knock. I took one of the mechanics around the block and he heard it. He came away scratching his head.

    Its booked back in again in a couple of weeks.
    I must be getting used to the noise, it isn't bothering me as much now. I don't want to have to pull it out twice if it turns out it is the bearing so decided to do both shock and bearing at same time. I have bought the bearings on ebay... think I bought the pair above for $50. Should arrive tomorrow.

    That was after I rang Southern Classic VW and they told me that they had one in stock, so I drove for 30 minutes only to find the guy who I spoke to had left, and there wasnt one in stock and he had placed an order for one. Ahole.

    I dont need both of the bearings, if you want the other for $25 you're welcome to it.

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