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Thread: Anybody had a bad Throttle Body?

  1. #1
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    Anybody had a bad Throttle Body?

    At this stage I'm on my own to find the cause of the DSG issues and after an adaption on a new gearbox I'm still not getting anywhere.

    The next stage is to look for other things that could be effecting it. I'm thinking the throttle body could be sticky or screwed and thus resulting in the occasional dip (500-700 rpm) in the revs as the clutch engages when I press the accelerator medium to hard. If I press it soft to light it bucks and drops the clutch...

    Any help is appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Guess nobody has had a bad throttle body?

    One thing I would like to add...

    Has anyone noticed oil in their intake system. Just pulling out my mass air flow sensor I noticed there is oil covering it. There is also drops of oil in the turbo where the pipe from the air filter meet. I would guess this oil has gone all the way into the intake of the engine.

    I assume this oil is from the crankcase ventilation pipe which is also covered in oil but should it be this much?

    Anyone else had this?

  3. #3
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    Have you taken it to BurwinVW for them to have a look at? What was their opinion? You shouldn't have to fault find. Make them do it.

  4. #4
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    Also the oil you are seeing on the MAF will be a result of the terrible K&N Air Filter you have fitted. That may have contributed somewhat. VW specifically suggest against them. Get rid of it and clean or have cleaned the intake throttle body and MAF.

  5. #5
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    They have been more than helpful but unfortunately even they say without anything to go on (and there really is nothing obvious) they are stumped. There are no fault codes and they replaced the mechatronics unit and clutches for me free of charge (that's over 7500$ of repairs + labour) and the problem persists. I think it's safe to say it is NOT the gearbox, but I still cannot be sure.

    I am thinking its more throttle related now and I'm looking at the throttle position sensor or throttle body as been the culprit. I used VCDS to check the throttle and what it's readings are and one thing I found interesting was at the start of the pedal the throttle valve is at 5%, push it an 8th more it goes down to 4!?!? And then up to 5 again all the way to a max of 67%...even though the pedal is registered at 99.97%

    I wonder if any other polos are like this?

  6. #6
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    I'll scan mine and tell you. But only if you promise to get rid of the boy racer oil air filter (K&N).

  7. #7
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    And sorry to bust you bubble but the oil is a Gold/Brown colour and smells like synthetic oil (because it is) because it is from the engine - not the air filter which by the way uses red coloured singer oil.

    Also there is NO oil in the intake before the turbo, only directly after and inside. Man I ain't stupid I know cars and I know the amount of oil that is in the air filter isn't even enough to make drips which is what is inside the intake after the turbo. also how would it get inside the crankcase which is where the oil appears to be originating from coming out of the breather pipe...

  8. #8
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    Either too much blowby (PCV) or you've spat a turbo seal, if you're adamant that it's not from your wet air filter (Which by the sounds of it, it wouldn't be...)

  9. #9
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    For the performance gain i get for the price (1-2 kw for under 40$ - and better induction noise) I wouldn't get rid of my filter for the world.

    Also I have been having these problems since 20,000km. I put the filter in at 30,000km so that really throws that theory out the window. I do quad bike racing and have always used oil/cotton filters just for the fact that they breathe better and catch dirt better (when they are correctly serviced). They can also be cleaned (to which point i do it every 15,000 to keep good air flow) I will not deny the OEM is a really good air filter, better than I have seen on many other car brands, but still I'm just after the extra flow.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by nomadx38 View Post
    And then up to 5 again all the way to a max of 67%...even though the pedal is registered at 99.97%
    Scanned mine. When driving it follows the throttle input as you'd expect.

    Are you stationary or moving when scanning and inputting throttle? The reason I ask is the rev limiter when stationary...


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