Already have the pics - will post up with some explanation notes when I get time shortly
Some simple diagnostics (even with VCDS which is low speed on these new UDS protocol cars) shows what the requested signals are and what is altered in the car with the "piggyback" - If any owner has one & has an ABT box (or any other box) I can send you some blocks to log & you can see what is altered and what is not. If you have dyno access, you can load the car up & see what happens to the EGT levels & how the car reacts stock, and with the "piggyback".
The UDS system on these (and its predecessors) do not allow "foreign" ECU's on board. There are also some simple tests that show this too. I still maintain that the "piggyback" does what was mentioned before.
There is a fair bit of info in this thread over here :
S3 (8V) | Tuning Box or ECU Remap?
Now Newton, It seems from your posts, both here & at OzAudi, you have a large, vested input in selling the ABT box. I declare my interests (as a sponsor of the forum), I suggest you do likewise please.
If you wish to explain with fact, rather than conjecture, please do.