I have a problem. I had the abs/esc light come on and thought I better check the sensors and give them a clean and see if that works. when it first happened I took the right side off first to inspect and it was fine. I then took the left side off and found the tone ring destroyed. At least I think its the tone ring.
At the time I didn't know what to think so idiot me replaced the sensor. When I replaced the sensor it was fine. Lights went out and back to normal.
yesterday was when it happened again and I got it scanned to say it was the left side. Now the left side does not have a tone ring (I think its the tone ring, the ring you see with teeth) when i first inspected the hole, it shat itself, so I cleaned the area and pressed on replacing the sensor. Which worked for a little until the same issue came up.
I will double check everything now and update soon.