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Thread: 77TSI with sports package - creakiness over bumps

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    77TSI with sports package - creakiness over bumps

    I have a 77TSI DSG with sports package and I've been finding the ride pretty harsh. Had it checked out with my dealer and they reckon everything is okay.

    Also when I go over bumps that lift one side of the car then the other, I get a lot of creakiness from somewhere behind me. Dealer says it's common for the doors / door seals to do this, but I'm not sure where it's coming from. I noticed once when the car was parked that I could bounce in the drivers seat and the car would readily creak and squeek fairly loudly (although haven't been able to repeat since).

    Anyone else had the same issues? Is this normal?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Mindarie, Perth (WA)
    Users Country Flag
    yep.....same in our MKV .:R32

    We need to attack the curb of our driveway at an angle because the .:R is significantly lower than most. When i do so, it's usually one wheel, then another, then the rear left, then rear right. Yep, doors creak slightly (via the rubber seals) as the cabin "twists" ever so slightly.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The new Polo suspension is tighter than the old ones, they call it sporty.

    Not surprised with some noise, have a search for some products out there, some dry lubricant can do wonders.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Mindarie, Perth (WA)
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    Quote Originally Posted by noone View Post
    The new Polo suspension is tighter than the old ones, they call it sporty.
    Not across the whole range. The Sports Pack (optional) will provide a firmer/sportier/tighter ride than the OEM variant.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by noone View Post
    Not surprised with some noise, have a search for some products out there, some dry lubricant can do wonders.
    The dealer used some kind of spray on the door seals which I guess would've been dry lubricant, but it didn't make a difference. I guess all I want to know is that my car is behaving normally. If nothing is actually wrong then I can learn to live with the creaks.


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