Will possibly bring your speedo down by an amount to make it illegal Will also make it slower off the mark as will up the gearing noticeably
Apologies if this info is out here but I've been searching the forums (and every where else) for the past few days to no avail. I'm trying to find what rims will fit with stock suspension. I have a 2013 77TSI Polo Comfortline, I am currently looking at some 17x7.5 ET35s with 215/45R17s. My current stock rim (I believe) is 15x6 ET40, running 195/55R15s.
According to willtheyfit.com the new set up will be 14mm closer to the strut and 24mm out towards the fender. From my loose measurements I think it'll fit, but looks like the front might be either a) poking slightly outside the guards or b) only have 5-10mm wiggle room with the strut. The rear looks like it'll be fine.
Can anyone weigh in if these wheels will fit or have had these rims/tyre combo fit. It seems pretty difficult to find info as it appears not many people modify the base line Polos, only the GTIs. Also side note, the rear of the car seems to sit much prouder than the front, as it stands I think the rear arch is sitting 40mm higher than the front does - is this common?
Cheers guys.
Last edited by GMEKP; 29-01-2023 at 11:48 PM.
Will possibly bring your speedo down by an amount to make it illegal Will also make it slower off the mark as will up the gearing noticeably
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
The rolling diameter changes by 20mm, so 10mm either side... barely noticable. The speedo will drop by ~5%, which will be fine as my speedo currently reads about 10% over for some reason (I suspect bad calibration from factory). I think the weight of the wheels is also comparable as they're both alloy wheels and both fairly lightweight so not worried there either.
Thanks for your input, I'm not concerned about the above points, but they are worth noting. I'm concerned with strut clearance and poke, if anyone has run these wheel/rim sizes please let me know.
Last edited by GMEKP; 29-01-2023 at 11:49 PM.
Replies not necessary, I finally found some answers in this thread.
Last edited by Lucas_R; 31-01-2023 at 03:28 PM.
Would be nice to sticky that with a rename of it absolutely. Took some digging and I found that thread by accident actually while searching why the Polo rear suspension sits higher than the front by like 40mm haha.