Could you try to record a video of it or a sound clip or something? Could be a multitude of issues.
Just took the mrs 2015 polo gti out and noticed there is a noise between the gear changes that wasn't there when i last took it for a spin.
Anyone else have a clunk noise between changes and also when accelerating and decelerating in the same gear?
Sounds like a worn drive shaft to me on older cars, car only has 3000k on it.
Could you try to record a video of it or a sound clip or something? Could be a multitude of issues.
Alex Aescht
MY13 Dark Silver VW up! 5-door 55MPI manual — Comfort Style Pack, Comfort Drive Pack, Maps + More, Panoramic Sunroof
MY11 Pepper Grey VW Polo Comfortline 66TDI manual ― Comfort Pack, Audio Pack.
Go get it scanned by a dealer, neutral switch is probably stuffed.. Check my thread
Its booked in for the 22nd... Will let all know what it is.
Its a mechanical clunk of varying loudness depending on speed and speed of clutch engagement, i can't imagine just a switch causing this sort of sound.
Stupid me, sorry man you are right
Could be your FMM (Front motor mount) or RMM (Rear motor mount) some manual geared engines during quick shifts move a lot so the mounts may not be adequate for the demand.
Well there noise changed to a dull grinding sort of noise then stopped making a noise at all, pretty annoying as I want to know what it was..... The tech who had a look at the gearbox and driveshafts couldn't find anything wrong.
Mine is making the exact noise, usually at lower revs building up to about 3-4k. Mine is manual and has about 3,300 kms on the clock. Taking it in on 17.08.2015 anything worth mentioning to the dealer?