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Thread: 2012 Polo GTI 6R WRC Spoiler

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Lidcombe, NSW
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    2012 Polo GTI 6R WRC Spoiler

    Hey guys,

    I'm looking at getting this:
    Rear Spoiler WRC Spec FOR Volkswagen Polo R 6R GTI ALL Polo 6R Genuine NEW VW | eBay

    I've been told by them apparently only a dealer can install because it needs special tool and glue??
    (Surely anyone can do this?!)

    I've also asked to confirm if it's a genuine VW option. Can anyone else confirm if this was an option back then?

    Also - does anyone have this spoiler or know how this installs?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
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    The special 'glue' is just black silicone (used for windscreens), I've recently pulled off two Gti spoilers and can confirm no special tools to re-install, only a good eye to make sure it's in the centre and level. There is a bit of double sided tape but mainly silicone to hold it down. This WRC looks like it would be a breeze to install onto a polo that doesn't have any spoiler, it looks like it only makes contact in a couple of places. However, if yours is a Gti and you want to remove the standard spoiler before replacing send me a PM and I will send some photos of where exactly you need to cut the glue without damaging the paint or breaking the plastic bracket that the Gti spoiler clicks into.
    The actual position of the glue on the two that I removed didn't exactly match what was stated in the VW repair guide.

  3. #3
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    Lidcombe, NSW
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    Hmm thanks for the quick response.

    Does that spoiler just do on top of the EXISTING spoiler?
    Or does the standard spoiler need to come off?

    Was removing it as simple as using a hairdryer to heat up the glued parts?

  4. #4
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    From those ebay images it looks to me like they are installed instead of standard GTI spoiler, not on top. You will most likely need piano wire, not a hairdryer to remove the standard spoiler. The RTV type silicone isn't going to release with heat or solvents, only mechanical force. To do it without damaging the paint underneath is almost impossible, most likely the dirt and crap that gets under the standard spoiler would have marked the top coat of the paint regardless, you would probably need to give it a mechanical cut & polish once removing before putting it on display.
    I've found the WRC rear wing installation/removal document, it says you need to drill dia. 6.0mm hole in the centre of the rear hatch exactly 190.5mm from the back edge, then screw from underneath (once brake light is removed). The rest is helf on with adhesive but I'd say that you could most likely get away with just adhesive unless you plan on maxing out your car on an Autobahn.

  5. #5
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    Ummm its not a WRC spoiler. WRC spoiler is a massive dual plane thing. It looks to be either a genuine or knockoff of the OEM spoiler available for regular non gti polos. From memory I think they are about $600 from the dealer (unpainted). They're just glued on with sikaflex. Mine has come loose on the centre mount!

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