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Thread: 100 Octane, Worth testing/using?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    100 Octane, Worth testing/using?

    Hello all,

    As of recent I have noticed an independent petrol station offering 100 Octane fuel, thinking of testing it. Should be fine for the Polo all it is, is simply a more refined fuel with a higher chemical yield?


    100 OCTANE

    Spotted Sydney:

    Victoria Road - Drummoyne just after Goodyear Tyres

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Filled a tank with it on saturday. Will report if it gives better mileage than BP Ultimate later in the week
    2010 Polo GTI - 5dr Flash Red
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    Planned upgrades: Amp, 3 way speaker install
    Planned mods: APR tune, Brembo brake upgrade

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Its only 2 ron more so should be fine. i know some models dont agree with the 104 octane though. A mate put some in his mk6 golf not sure what engine but it went backwards. pick up was worse and mileage was less from the tank. dont think the computer learning can stretch that far. i had the same problem in my liberty gt it had to have a min 95 ron 98 was fine and even 100 but 104 was a step back felt worse then the one time i had to use 95 when i got real low and the servo was out of 98 or the pump was broken.

    do the MK6 golf (could be a 118ts) need 95 0r 98 min? ron I know my GTI is 98 min.
    MY16 Candy white Octavia VRS Wagon, sunroof, 19" black pack, tech pack, comfort pack, auto tail gate
    MY12.5 Polo 6R GTI

  4. #4
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    I've been using 100 Octane since purchase with a few random bouts of 98 when I'm in a pinch. It's quite good and since it's near-by and decently priced I keep it up. How different it is to 98 would be hard to put down, but when I've filled up with 98 the revs climb a little slower. Fuel economy won't be better though because it's usually propped up with ethanol (I usually get 7.7 driving in an average way)
    MY16 Octavia RS 162 Race Blue Combi

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  5. #5
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    As soon as I read "Ethanol" I said...nope its best to stick with 98 Octane xD

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I used some in my old 2006 Polo GTI (APR) on a trip back from Vic to NSW up and over the mtns. The car LOVED it in the mountains. Must be the extra oxygen content in the fuel from the ethanol.

  7. #7
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    For years I used it every tank. Then Shell stopped doing it. It was 10c dearer than 98 at the time, so 20c over standard unleaded. I don't reckon it was worth the extra money in the long run. I would notice a small loss when going back to 98.
    98 seems to be the sweet spot for cost, power and fuel economy for me.

    I don't think the new 100 RON is like the old stuff, it is probably just way more ethanol to get the RON up a bit higher, you'll use a lot more of it to do the same KM, the extra power will be minimal. Not like the step from 95 to 98.
    MK4 GTI - Sold
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