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Thread: What do you love about your Polo?

  1. #151
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    sunshine coast

    Quote Originally Posted by pixl View Post
    Can't say I've ever heard of anyone getting their money back after paying a fine. I think the way they see it is, if you pay it, you've given up your right to appeal. But who knows, you can always try.
    im not sure about the money side of things but you can get your points back if you appeal.i got a fine over turned becuase i proved to the court that losing my licence would put me in substancial financial hardship, still had to pay the fine but never lost the points.if you want some free legal advice there are a few ferms around that dont charge unless you have a harm in trying.

  2. #152
    Join Date
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    Burleigh Heads, Qld
    Quote Originally Posted by mikepologti View Post
    im not sure about the money side of things but you can get your points back if you appeal.i got a fine over turned becuase i proved to the court that losing my licence would put me in substancial financial hardship, still had to pay the fine but never lost the points.if you want some free legal advice there are a few ferms around that dont charge unless you have a harm in trying.
    Mike - please give details for future ref. I am on a 2 point good behaviour licence. If I loose licence I can wave bye bye to job and income. This post may come in handy prior to October (when i again have 12 points!!!!!!!!). I am trying hard to be good particularly in known speed trap areas but by God it's hard.

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterHBne View Post
    Mike - please give details for future ref. I am on a 2 point good behaviour licence. If I loose licence I can wave bye bye to job and income. This post may come in handy prior to October (when i again have 12 points!!!!!!!!). I am trying hard to be good particularly in known speed trap areas but by God it's hard.
    in short if your a cronic "speeder" or you have repeatdly lost your license due to speeding then the judge will be less sympathetic. however, if you dont usually get speeding fines then this can help. if you have a credit card debt, morgage repayments etc, you can appeal to the court that you absalutly need your car to get to work,to pay those debts. get your employer to fill out a stat dec also, stating that without your car you cant get to work (weather its becuase of remote reasons or theres no close public transport etc), youll need 2 copys of your debts and 2 copys of your stat dec signed by a jp (1 for the court , 1 for your self/selicitor) you probably wont need a silicitor, unless in a extreme be heard by the court, go to your local court and the people at the front counter will walk you through the standard my hearing (i was a naughty boy doing 127 in a 60 zone) i stated my case, the judge asked me why i was doing that speed, i said i had a blew with someone at work and i guess i was so angry i didnt realise what speed i was doing.she said due to my lack of speeding convictions in the past (i only had 2 in the previous 5 years), that she would over turn the suspension of licence but i still had to pay the fine.

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Pakenham, VIC


    Hi Guys,

    2008 Polo GTI, 1500k's, stock for the time being.

    I went from driving a 4ltr V6 97 EL. Man, I'm so stoked with the switch. I've always loved the look of the Golfs, did a bit of research into prices and models and what not. Came across a little car called the Polo, and that was it. Test drove one, loved it, brought the Flash Red demo with 900k's on the clock for $26900 drive away. Got the windows done nice and dark, and now I drive around proud to be driving a VW.
    Plus I havn't seen one on the road yet! We are all of you?
    Red, 08 Polo GTI

  5. #155
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    I got to see how good the ABS is today -- Thanks to the muppet who figures that if he can't see behind a line of cars turning right, then that must mean no one would be in the left hand lane going straight.

    I'm going straight and this car just turns right from the opposite side at the lights. As soon as I saw him, I hit the brakes and thought "Nup, that's it.." ... I just felt the brake pedal pulsate under my foot and with one a few squeaks of the tyres, she stopped dead from 60 as if I was only going 30.

    Couldn't believe it. Ignoring the fact that when the guy finally saw me (after I had already started to brake) he decides to stop as well in the middle of the intersection right in front of me with the most stupid look on his face, like "What's going on here? Where did that car come from?"

    Such a great car, she really looks after me.

    Sunroof // ICT Tint // Seats // Steering wheel

  6. #156
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    sunshine coast
    Quote Originally Posted by boogs View Post
    Hi Guys,

    2008 Polo GTI, 1500k's, stock for the time being.

    I went from driving a 4ltr V6 97 EL. Man, I'm so stoked with the switch. I've always loved the look of the Golfs, did a bit of research into prices and models and what not. Came across a little car called the Polo, and that was it. Test drove one, loved it, brought the Flash Red demo with 900k's on the clock for $26900 drive away. Got the windows done nice and dark, and now I drive around proud to be driving a VW.
    Plus I havn't seen one on the road yet! We are all of you?
    welcome to the forum boogs , good choice. the lil pog is a fun lil drive thats for sure.

  7. #157
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Hey, people.

    I've just read this whole thread after deciding this week that the Polo has pretty much everything i'm after for my new car. Peoples comments here have confirmed it, but i'm also interested in reading the negative comments, which have been just as helpful.

    Thanks for the info.

  8. #158
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    ^negative, wish they made it abit wider (the wheel arches)

  9. #159
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by leasaunce View Post
    ^negative, wish they made it abit wider (the wheel arches)
    Not sure how much difference they'd make, but flared wheel arches can be added to the Polo.

  10. #160
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Quote Originally Posted by Ralfi View Post
    Not sure how much difference they'd make, but flared wheel arches can be added to the Polo.
    What you have on the GTI is considered (by VW) to be 'flared'.


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