Finally got my battery install finished
Battery is now in the boot
Big job next is to tidy all the wiring in the engine bay and the fuses etc that sat on top of the battery
That's wrong, there's something not right in that app. Mine reads wrong at idle so I don't trust it at all. You would see less boost in 2nd than 3rd or 4th. I think there's a way to calibrate the app but never bothered to look.
If it was making 30PSI, it wouldn't be long before the turbo gave up or you ran into the back of something.
thezoner32 has a VCDS if you want to check it properly.
Finally got my battery install finished
Battery is now in the boot
Big job next is to tidy all the wiring in the engine bay and the fuses etc that sat on top of the battery
Hi Guy's, a reunion,
I wish my reunion was a cheery one but after many hours of wheel change any making my car look the best it has in a while, I had the misfortune of stacking it, mostly cosmetic a left front wheel, front guard, the whole front, hood, a pillar, door, rear Q panel, radiator, FMIC and piping, and all the airbags on the passenger side. I should have her up and running in the next 6 months. she may not be painted though. So much to be said for the semi slicks, that was my down fall. Just changed back to the Works and not semi's.
Still love the way she makes me feel.
Cheers Van
Oh No Van
I was going to say how good it was to see you on here, but not with that news.
Want to share what happened with us, what did you hit, a tree?
Poor polo, oh and glad to hear your ok![]()
Last edited by vwthunder; 28-10-2012 at 07:12 PM.
Nothing that solid, but it has left dents and scars from the front thru the left side to the rear bumper, will have to replace rear quarter panel, door, front quarter panel, hood, front clip, seat, and all the left hand air bags, going around a round-a-bout one that i have done a hundred times and at speed 120-130 with the semi's, but when I changed to the show wheels she no stick to the ground anymore, not all bad this will get me of my ars_ to pump the guards, get the new wheels, bag it and finish the interior so that I can compete with your rad ride. Im so looking forward to more mods.
I got around to fitting my adjustable front swaybar links today... No bangs or pops from the front end now!!
"If can't get behind your troops, feel free to stand in front of them..."
Nice! Which links did you go for?