Got it back after three weeks at the dealer. They tried to repair the gearbox, but it's still no good. Harsh vibes, heaps of whine....
Not f'ing happy.
Got my Forge Short Skift kit in today
Had to drill out the 42 DD bushes a tiny bit, as people have said
It is great, shift feels awesome, it is way better than standard.
Now i have the solid linkage bushes, APR dogbone, Redline MTL and Forge short shift it all comes together as one
Got it back after three weeks at the dealer. They tried to repair the gearbox, but it's still no good. Harsh vibes, heaps of whine....
Not f'ing happy.
Cheap, Fast, Reliable. Choose two.
Your initial impressions seem to have been quite accurate.
How many kms were on your original suspension - between these comments and the previous one about the damper noise, it sounds like your original dampers were knackered so it's not surprising you felt such an improvement.
Interesting comment about the reduction in understeer - I hope when I update my suspension, it has a similar effect although I really don't want my ride doesn't suffer to that degree.
So what's the big advantage of coilovers vs harder springs with matched dampers (apart from being able to fiddle with the height)?
How are downshifts into 1st? I find that a bit reachy but otherwise, I'm quite happy with the stock shift (apart from the layout for reverse)
Last edited by kaanage; 06-04-2011 at 09:22 PM.
Havent done many back to first, but it is easier to get it into all gears, you can really smash it through, where as before it felt really fragile.
Maybe I should get the Forge Big Knob too, for the ultimate experence lol
Depends on how hard you drive it and over what sort of roads. I would expect that they SHOULD be able to do 100,000km in "normal" use.
The middle age ladies that I see driving lots of Pogs would do that easy
I wouldn't be either.
I've just read your thread in the MkIV forum so since your dealer has been replacing bearings, it can't be that.
Maybe one of the casing sockets where the bearings sit has become oversized so the bearing is moving and spinning in the case. I've seen this in a motorcycle crankcase.
Last edited by kaanage; 06-04-2011 at 10:05 PM.
My originals had done 70,000km and yer think they were on the way out... I could compress them just by pushing down on them!!
When compared to standard shocks, the ride is not necessarily worse it is just a bit firmer in that you can feel a few more of the little bumps in the road... BUT the car rides over them much better because the damping is very good. It is because of this that traction feels much improved (I am assuming)
Finally got round to cleaning the car, pic below shows after fitting of the coilovers -
And rear wiper delete damm clean baby....
To do this you will need one of these CNC'd PLUGS and you will need to follow this 99.9% correct GUIDE. Only alteration I would make is to get the rear wiper arm off get a large shifter, grip the arm just to the left where the wiper attached and give it a few hard yanks to loosen the wiper arm off the splined shaft... Oh and yank really hard on the plastic trim to remove it. The rest is piss easy!!!
The express postage was super fast (~1 week) from Gecleant and would recommend ponying up the extra $10 for the glass cleaning kit and adheasive
Last edited by Spec83; 06-04-2011 at 10:44 PM.