Haha !! Maybe you can chip it and add a GTI badge at the back ! :biggrin: :wasntme:
More seriously, I sympathize with your pain...:frown:
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Thks mate !!
In fact, i've already bought this hose as i'm on the way to fit the Forge FMIC next year.
So i will remove all existing hoses...
I just wanted to be sure that removing this pipe was easy and if the sound into the car change or not.
Thks anyway !
Noticed a bit of an oil leak on the bottom of the sump, seemed to be tracking from up top somewhere.
Apparently was an oil feeder hose that goes into the turbo - needed replacing, so actually the turbo itself is fine. Has only done 3000km, but not too worried, quite a few cars have little warranty issues early on.
Isnt that noise valve thing on the left hand drive cars because we have a brake booster in the way? Actually. Come to think of it i havent even looked. Im asuming there would be a brake booster there :P
I was thinking..
I was a good boy this year, so I think Santa should give me a nice present.
Santa with all his wisdom give me a rock, on my windshield!
Bad Santa! I didn't belive in you anyway!!
Today I return the present and the new one come with a black strip on the top, how do you call it in english?
I went to a dyno today.
The first run, with the intercooler cold I had WHP 227 and 46kgf.m
At the second run with the intercooler hot I had WHP 207 and 42kgf.m
10% of loss...
However I'm worried with other thing.
At the first run, when the intercooler was cold, the car run lean at peak power.. So I think with a bigger intercooler, probally a 4bar FPR will be required!
Peak power 1.4bar, looses to 0,8bar.
This are the scanned results, mixed Spanish, Portuguese and a little English.
Have fun!
Here is a video, the image sucks, however the sound is very good.
Holy megapixel batman
227wph from a chip :eek:! how?? thats pretty damn good! the APR chip only give us about 165whp!
i know its running lean but thats huge... where's Seb when you need him!
Forgot to upload this one..
E.W.HP vs torque