Leitch, any reason for both graphs being zig-zagging/peaking and falling throughout the rev range, or whatever the better terminology is?
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Leitch, any reason for both graphs being zig-zagging/peaking and falling throughout the rev range, or whatever the better terminology is?
APR stage 1. I am now happy with my car ;)
I've never seen a dyno graph doing that, though my car (according to my gtech) also has a drop in power around 5800 before rising again to 6200. If I get a chance I'll load it up, it's particularly noticable until 4th gear. Would be interesting to run your car with the gtech to see if it's real world fluctuations or as you said software related, if you're on the south side you'd be welcome to have a play.
That'd be cool. I'll have a look at the VCDS logging when I get home too and see if I'm getting corresponding fluctuations in boost pressure or anything.
Replaced strut tops and bearings... Goodbye horrible knocking sound! Also, height adjustable suspension makes removing struts SO much easier.
Just from the VW parts shop. Not that cheap (I think it was maybe ~$30/bearing and ~$60/mount, bolts and nuts a couple of dollars each), but cheap enough and a lot less than a set of k-mac or custom camber tops and getting the strut towers cut and enineered etc which was the other option.
Makes the front end feel a lot tighter and more solid, especially when hitting hard edges like speed bumps or dodgy road repair patches/changes in surface etc which used to really punish the car.
Pod filter temporarily in thanks vwindahouse nearly had dekka battery in until we realized I forgot about a longer earth cable
Jason, what'd you use for a battery support? Just bolted it to the stock battery tray? Mine works for the moment but it's not the nicest solution and MMP no longer exist.