Approx +20% isn't it?
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Approx +20% isn't it?
as far as i know they count 15%
got my polo tested with a Vbox meter,
before i had 109Kw @ the wheels, that should be quit correct.
after custom remap i got 140kw:banana:
what a difference!
so 140Kw@ the wheels is 190Hp@the wheels.
+15% is 219Hp @ the flywheel.
only problem is, i don't have 4bar FPR so the injectors are running at the maximum they can handle.
and the N249 is opening the diverter at about 3/4 gas.
so next week i'm going back to my tuner to get the N249 and N112 valves programmed out.
i also going to put in 380cc injectors (Bosh Green)
could do it with 4bar FPR but i'm not a fan of raising pressure.
more pressure = equal to more heat also + the fuell pump is not made to deliver that much.
i'll let you guys know how it went and i'll put the results on the forum:P
Got my Pioneer AVIC-F900BT installed, rear speakers and reversing camera. The car installer said my PAC canbus was not turning the unit off when the key was on ACC, so i got him to use one of his canbus units. Come to think of it, the RCD200 radio did not turn off until i pulled the key out! My canbus unit may well not be broken...... Anyways, updated my maps to R18.. at least got a win there :)
I think they used a connects2 as the line item listed it as a CAN01. The PAC unit is this. I also have a Connects2 unit coming next week (long story... not buying from again), and only because of a stuff up i ordered the PAC canbus unit, because i had already booked the install.
Yep, sounds like the installer isn't familiar with the Polo's behaviour :)
I also did away with my CANBUS converter (which didnt work properly anyway), I only miss out on the speed sensor for the GPS. The ACC power can be taken from another wire in the stereo loom. 18+ months later and no flat batteries or issues with my F900BT at all,