Ordered a cubby from vaglink last night, now to wait, lol. How hard are these to install? Are these just clip in items or is there some tricks I need to know?
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Ordered a cubby from vaglink last night, now to wait, lol. How hard are these to install? Are these just clip in items or is there some tricks I need to know?
The old part lifts from the back (upwards) to come out.
If you have strong hands, its not too hard using your thumbs to push on the lip at the back. A thin instrument in the gap behind the tray may help lift.
Fitting can be a little clunky. I put mine in 3 times as it did not line up the first 2. For me, back in first, but others have said front in first... Dunno.
Fitting Throttle body hose and TIP today, I'm excited... Just reading up on the avail info now. Clamps arrived yesterday, missed the UPS guy so any minute now...
I tried fitting my cubby about 6 times, could not get it to sit right. Got sick of munting up the edges of the center console so tore the stupid thing out with great force and was going to throw it at the wall.
I'm sure the POS will just add rattles to my dash anyway which will piss me right off.
Anyone here want it, $50 posted :)
Had a poke around today to see what needed to be moved/removed to change the spark plugs... sheesh.... could they put any more stuff above the first three coil packs?!
I gave up, came inside and had lunch and put it in the "too hard, I'll do it on the weekend instead" basket :P
Yeah the back of mine sat up about 1mm, and the front was in by 1mm. I couldn't get it level, and it wouldn't open properly all the time without giving it a good tap.
Couldn't be arsed in the end :)
Damn guys, where were all these reviews before I bought the thing! lol... starting to regret it now =(
*mine will be different, mine will fit perfect, mine will be different, mine will fit perfect*
When I first played with it that's that I was worried about. Had a few rough roads on the way to Newcastle and it didn't pop up once.
Don't regret it, I think it's still a good buy. You can actually put stuff in there without having to worry that it's in the open for everyone to see. I keep my glasses and sometimes my wallet in there.
Installed the Throttle body and TIP.
Probably the most challenging mod I've tackled, FMIC was much easier.
Nicely scratched on the arms, Probably about 4 hours all up (solo). Had to go under the car to get good access to clamp the TIP onto the turbo.
Thanks to Blitzen for the guide and a few others for the contributions that helped across various sections. I got my clamps from Uniclamp in the end as finding quality ones locally was a chore.
Have not had a chance to drive it yet, having done all the other regular intake mods, FMIC and down pipe, I'm interested to see how the power delivery changes with the improved airflow.
2 pieces of advice:
-remove the 8mm alen head screw holding the water pipe in place. I had issues removing this bolt and tried for a long time to get the TIP to fit without removing the bracket, on my car there just wasnt room.
-remove the airbox. You cant see anything without removing the airbox.
Both of these are covered in Blitzens writeup. There is a good reason Forge didn't do a guide, it would put people off getting one!