Before the epic voyage into annoyance...
I then removed the engine cover, strut brace, and air intake box...While I was at it, I gave my K&N filter a good clean.
I disconnected all the ancillaries off the stock TIP, then pulled the top part out.
Then remove the allen head screw(5mm)that holds the lower metal part of the TIP on the Turbo. This is on the right side of the TIP. this will loosen the Tip so you can pull it out of the Turbo.
Also Remove the allen head bolt that holds the heater coolant line. This will allow you to fully remove the old TIP, and give you more room when you install the new one.
Old and new TIP's...
The lot goes back together in the reverse of how it came apart. Remember to put some soapy water on the inside edge of the turbo flange on the TIP...This helps the TIP slide onto the Turbo.
The TIP really needs to be persuaded. I begged with it, asked it politely, offered it drinks, then threatened violence on it before I could get it to fit, but I got it!!
The rest goes together easily, but I couldn't get my engine cover to go back on.
